Chapter 3

Gideon felt many insects roaming around in his clothes. The bright beams on his face disappeared as he wondered if the insects found their way in when he went to the zoo yesterday.

“What is wrong?” Sarah asked as she noticed Gideon rubbing his body and shaking his clothes for something to come out.

Gideon screamed and shook his clothes faster.

A smile crept onto Travis’s face. The grand system was so fast in helping him. Now he can’t wait to see a drama happen.

Sarah gave Gideon you-did-this sort of glare and then said, “What did you do to him?”

“I did nothing. Everyone here is my witness.”

“Don’t tell me that. You are a fucking liar. If anything bad happens to Gideon, you will rot in jail.”

“But he did nothing,” a man said.

“Gideon kicked him down and he hasn’t even taken a step to fight,” another man said.

“I’m sure this strange thing will still happen to him if they fight each other or not.”

Gideon couldn’t endure as the pains increased. He ran to the car, but the door didn’t open. Everything he was doing isn’t helping anymore. He needed to take off his clothes before the pain increased.

“Can someone please tell me what is happening to him?” Sarah raised her voice and tears popped out of her eyes. She hurried to Gideon as he was shouting for help.

“What did he do to you?” Sarah asked.

“Open the door please,” Gideon said impatiently.

Sarah pulled the door, but it didn’t open. “Where is the car key?”

“Can’t remember.”

“But why is the car not opening?” Sarah searched his pocket and found no key, and then immediately dialed Gideon’s father's number to tell him what was happening to his son, but the call failed. Gideon’s father had switched off his phone because he was in a meeting.

Gideon took off his clothes and his underwear and kept rubbing his naked body. He didn’t care that people were watching him, for he only wanted the pain to lessen.

People couldn’t help but laugh as they recorded live videos of Gideon naked and of Sarah checking what was inside his clothes. Of course, she found nothing.

Sarah burst into tears. The situation has overwhelmed her and gave her no room to think of whom to call next. Is this how everyone in New York would see the nakedness of her boyfriend? This is more than an embarrassment to her, to the extent of wishing she had never pointed Travis to Gideon.

Travis felt a deep satisfaction and stole the distracting moment to use the ATM. He felt so thrilled and screamed internally as he withdrew money.

[You have successfully withdrawn $500]

[Account balance: $999,999,500]


[You must spend the money within three days]

[Failing the mission would result in death]

Travis took a few breaths and was curious about how he would get another money if he spent plenty of money in three days.

[Completed primary mission would unlock a new mission with new rewards, including money and some super skills]

“Wow. You impressed me. Thank you so much!”

Now, Travis walked majestically from the bank while many souls kept arriving to record Gideon's nakedness. And now, Travis stepped into a new life given to him by a grand system that is unknown to people on earth, but beautiful.

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