Chapter • 142

♱ •⋅ 1750 B.C. ⋅• ♱ •⋅ Elaine ⋅• ♱

Samael did as he said he would, but from the day we arrived at the camellia mansion - a name given by Keir, since the garden was full of camellias -, I did not even see the slightest sign of the priest’s existence, but now, when morning came by the door of our house.

The huge smile on his face made me question my own sanity as he said - what was sweet? If you keep looking at me like that, I’m gonna think you don’t like my presence.

I opened my mouth to confirm that assumption, but I chose not to.

"Just... I thought it was too early for you to be here," I lied and apparently that wasn’t one of my best lies, as he just smiled as he drank his tea.

"Early? We have a lot to study, especially if we want the child to experience one of my theses before dying."

I swallowed it hard.

"Is he... very ill?"

Samael laughed quietly.

"Does it really matter to you?"

'No' I realized as I pressed the skirt of my dress between my fingers.

My concern for Loren... was mini
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