Not remembering what happened, Alexander is now standing in a dimly lit hall. He can see statues of different gods and goddesses and mainly of those are the Olympians. Alexander looked around the hall and remembered what had happened. He collapsed after the battle with the cyclops, it is because of pure exhaustion and the severe injuries he suffered from the fight. But he hopes that the cyclops head really came off because if it didn’t, then it would definitely rampage through their town and devour the citizens for sure. Thinking he is now dead and in a hall which the dead waits for it to be brought to the underworld. And this when Alexander regrets to die. Thoughts of how would his mother and grandmother survive without him working for them, who would take care of them, and all sorts of things that his grandmother and mother can’t do that he can. His chest ached and tears started to flow down his eyes. With him not being able to come back alive anymore made him sat on the floor hard
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