
Tracy, outside gate.

The sound of the leaves been rustling by the movements the two being clad in black were crisps but not that loud. They are moving as quiet as possible but the pursuing morbid dogs with gnarling growls were making it impossible for them to go unnoticed albeit, attracting more of the same kind.

“Tsk!” Even with the help of the clothes, the dogs are able to smell them with utmost accuracy.  Another one jumped onto the one clumsy boy and ripped his clothes a little that made him cuss.


“Language!” said the one going ahead but slowed down to check the other’s condition. They are the duo who sneaked out from the Tracy dukedom and was being chased now by the dogs that came from nowhere. Some were having foul smell and the others with flesh falling off their bodies and yet they are agile like a healthy mutt and that is giving troubl

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