
Thourne Mansion, Florence Capital – Lumine Kingdom.

The birds are chirping and that woken up our little young man. He opened his eyes and let his red ruby eyes fluttered and his lips curved upon sensing a good new day to live. He hasn’t got the time to get in touch with Hades yet or like Hades hasn’t visited him. Maybe it is severe. That God is no joke as well that time. If not for Hades, maybe he is not alive right now. He got up to his feet and started to do some stretching to start the day. It has been the third week of the celebration of the King’s birthday. They all went to their business but the nobles are still in their holidays, being faithful and such to the King. But commoners can’t afford to stay idle for too long. Their source of income is base to the visitors and guests the kingdom have and the nobility who got curious of their products. Heith couldn’t be bothered to that. He is not interested with business or any

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