
Florence Capital, Count Vladesmount Estate.

“What did you do?” Heissenberg inquire since the earring was floating in the air like waiting for Heith to pick it up. Rosalithe dash forward and stretches her arms to the earring. She was an inch away when all of a sudden Heith overtaken her that made her head bump towards his hard chest. The momentum is too much for Heith’s expectation that cause them to crash at the sofa and fall. The loud noise made the surrounding curious again and they inquire Heissenberg to pull down the barrier. Heith was relieved that the earring was alright and forgotten that Rosalithe is on top of him with face flush red. He is mesmerized with the earring when a power comes out of it.

“Wha-----aaah!” Rosalithe screamed when the power circled above before going down to them. It did not give them enough time to avoid it. Painful, excruciating and warm, that is what they both felt but Heith rem


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