Lobo Village (2)

Unknown, West.

“Have a cuppa dear.”

“Oh thank you, you are so kind granny!” Ciara pat the head of the little girl who is blowing her cup of milk while the boys were at the fireplace.

“You are telling me that the adventurer’s guild of Solstice capital asked you to go here and ask information about the dimensional path at the Southern border because it worries the lots if a powerful monster would pop their head to take a peek to our Skyscraper. Are you saying that? Those green royals, really.” Chief Chilton said and smacked his thighs. The ember that went to the chimney were lively but when it reaches a certain height, it bound to weaken and eventually will become nothing. How poor flame. The child not that young of 15 thought while watching the fire. His mind was not with the crowd. Maybe from exhaustion but he couldn’t keep up with the lively warm atmosphere that t

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