Merkel Town

Merkel Town, Southern border of Lumine Kingdom.

Clinton came back when the sun was about to set. He has that worry that the noble might be starving already and in a very bad temper right now but unlike to his worries, what he had seen was something he didn’t expect. Trees uprooted, path that is can’t be identified anymore and two people that are evidently not agreeing with each other were far from each other in complete silence. It made Clinton hold his forehead from the brewing headache from all the mess he is seeing after being away for just a few hours.

It seems like the lord had sense his presence when it turned its head towards him with a look that could snap his neck right at this moment. With nervous footsteps he moved and bowed towards Cerbero.

“It took longer than I had expected. As you all may know, there is an upcoming festival to the town we are going to be residing from now on. It is a town with me hav


Thank you for appreciating my work. Knowing that someone is reading it really makes me happy. Hope to be with you guys till the end! Happy reading!

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