Messiah (5)

The sounds of nature had filled the ears of everyone around ‘Sant’ whose busy triple casting and was nearly finished house. He is not dealing with nails and hammer. Even Romulo got surprised from his peculiar way of building a house. He had never encountered anyone who uses this kind of magic just to build a house. People see it as such a waste of talent if magic will just be used in building houses for the common people. As the time goes by, they are getting more and more curious to this person. But unlike to their admiration, the person himself doesn’t want to have these many of people to be watching him while working!

As much as possible he preferred to be alone but Romulo insisted to stay with him for a while and see things. They had been awake for an hour now and his progress could rival the royal’s finest workers! They are surprise and that awe is gathering the attention of people who have no home for the night as well.


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