
West Entrance, Lumin Town of Luminus Empire.

“Sir, what happened? Why are we inside the house?” Caccius respectfully asked while rubbing his eyes. The others were still lying on their beds and making Zs but since Caccius was the mature one, he adopts very well. It seems like Fall didn’t heard him asking because his attention was towards Sky who is talking with the knights right now.

What happened to the fight? He just went to put the children into bed and clean Felice a little then when he got back to check onto them, he saw the group of knights that is talking with the two that looks like old friends reuniting after years of not being able to be in touch with one another.

Caccius mimics Fall and walk towards the window; move the curtain enough for him to see what is happening outside. What caught his eyes was the mark of blood on the ground. He’s wondering whose blood it is and why they are insid

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