
Weapon Shop, Merkel Town.

“Sir Walker, I congratulate you for your hard work and diligent. Albert had told me that you didn’t skip, laze or even drag the shop down and with that I am glad to pass on to you the reason you are working hard…this” he put the rope in the hands of the little boy with a trusty smile. Anthony marbled the elegance of the rope, now that it is finally in his hand.

“Thank you Mr. Barkes! I thought you wouldn’t give it to me. I was so scared that I wouldn’t be able to get this…Don’t worry! I will really treasure it! Really!” Anthony grasps the rope tight and showed his happy face to Mr. Barkes who had fallen to him. He laughed heartily and is trying his best not to pat the head of the noble child. Albert was present as well and he raises his thumb over Anthony which he answered with a smile.

“Make sure you

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