The Night Family (2)

The Scythe of the Night. 

Cygne gulped as he read the description that almost swallowed half the book. 

『 ➢ The most ancient family in the land. The Night Family was located at the Southern part of the Kingdom of Lumineᅳentrusted to guard the South doorway. The current head, Grand Duke Cain Adam Night is a relative of the royal crown. Wed with the most beautiful lady in the Luminus Empire, they are blessed with two daughters and a son. The Night was a direct descendant of the God of the Eternal Night and revered as the strongest bloodline within Lumine...』

A lot of things was listed. Lineage. Founder. Previous Head. Relationship with Hades. Political strength and affiliates. But Cygne just flip the book to obtain knowledge like he usually does when he needed 'power'. 

'Could it be... Night? Direct descendants of the God of Eternal Night.. No wonder the commando.... ' He felt the hairs in his arms stood up on its ends. 

He flip and flip until the sun finally rises.

"Phew. This is hardwork." He slump his body on the wooden chair. He finishes quite a lot of books and gain 'power'.  The sun was greeting him warmly when three knocks was heard from outside the door. 

"Good morning young master! Would you like to do your morning stroll with me?"

Red hair that looks like wild fire and a pair of black eyes was smiling at Cygne energetically. His posture was free but composed. 

'He's not normal too.' Cygne thought and stands. It's a silent indication that he accepts. They went out of the residence and walk. This was the first time Cygne got to see the surrounding area and all he could see was layers of trees and a mountain that's blocking his view up ahead. There's no gate or post for guards. The residence was like a sore thumb within the mountainous region that doesn't quite fit. 

They passed to the flat even land and entered the forest. It was quiet and nature sings a soothing melody. 

It was relaxing. Cygne didn't thought that there'd come a day he can relax but as if it's reminding him that he is wrong, a cold object was poking his neck. 

"Who are you?"

The all smiles servant was no where to be found. The vicious and coldness of the voice was bone chilling and it really was terrifying. 

But Cygne was relax. 

He is relax and anyone who see him will think that he was just admiring the nature before him. It made the servant frown seeing that there is not a hint of fear in his face. He is definitely not Cygne. As if to prove it to himᅳ

Then Cygne move. 

It's just a simple move where he raises his elbow to attack but stretch it instead when the opponent tried to dodge just to steal the weapon he was using. The opponent were taken aback. It is too fast! Too fast that he can't react immediately. Cygne succeeded and swing it around before finally grasp it at his hand while he took a step and twist his body to aim the tip of the sword at the servant's neck. 

It happened in just 2 seconds. The servant was shock to see the splendor movement of his master. 

And then his eyes shooked. 

"H.... How?"

The servant couldn't believe what he saw and his eyes were looking at Cygne and the weapon he had earlier on. He noticed Cygne's eyes that made him flinch. 

'There's no fear in it.' His eyes was so clear it's like watching his prey. 

"Stop your facade."

It was a gentle voice but the servant freezes. His arms were all covered in goosebumps. He couldn't help but gulp from the pressure that came from that gentle voice. Not mentioning the bone chilling aura that is surrounding the young master's body. 

"I... I Nile done an unforgivable action towards my master. I will receive any punishment."

But Cygne doesn't want to lose someone who have potential. So he flicked the sword and stabbed it on the ground. His wrist snapped from that action but he didn't winced. His body was not developed enough to handle swordmanship. His body was weak and maybe his parent treasured the original owner thinking that he will grow strong without training because he was loved by the God of Eternal Night Hades. 

But Cygne think the other way. He believes in effort and hardwork so he will slowly learn to utilize and shape his new body. 


Nile was still frozen at his spot. He didn't answer but still waiting for his master's decision. He could see no emotions at Cygne and then he felt proud that his master have grown but he also felt sad because he no longer needs to protect him and be by his side. 

Nile grew up with Cygne that's why he felt something was wrong with him. He's sensitive in things involving Cygne and right now, it prove it again. He felt that the Cygne right now was not the Cygne he grew up with. Because he could feel it. He doesn't know how to explain it but he is certain that he is not wrong. 

"Nile I'm Cygne. You don't have to feel conflicted. I'm already woken."

Cygne tried so hard not to scoff on his own words. 'What woken bullshits am I spouting. ' But it seems effective. Nile was shock and then he knelt down in front of him. 

"I, Nile Rivers, will pledge loyalty and full trust on my master. I shall not doubt him and if I do, death awaits me."

"Stand up Nile. A friend shouldn't low himself toward his friend."

He come to a conclusion that this Nile is a friend of the original owner on the way he cared and check him. Which is correct. 

Cygne walk forward and tap the shoulder of Nile. He tried so hard not to wince that made his tap light with no weight. And there he could see the smiling servant he saw at the studies. 


The soft green patches of grass embraces Cygne as he laid down watching the blue sky. He is thinking of what Hades told him. 

【 "Ahem. Thank you for complying and I'll take your request as compensation to Moonlight's action. I'll also give you gifts and someone to support you as to show my favorable affection towards you, as a child of the God of Eternal Night. We'll meet again in the future and I hope by then, it was not your end I will see. Farewell. May the Peace of the Night embraces you." 】

He told him that he will give him gifts and someone who will support him. But right until now there is still no one or any sign. He felt annoyed not because he wants the gifts. Well it's one thing but he hates someone who don't stick to his words! 


Cygne sits as he felt something. It was a familiar feeling but he don't know how to identify it. He never felt this kind of feeling before and he doesn't know why he is able to feel like this. 

He stood up and walk towards the inner forest. He couldn't hear Nile who is following him from behind. 

He started to walk towards the burst of aura. The surrounding animals were frantically running away. It was a sight anyone rarely see. The rabbits, bear, deer, wolves, they are in groups and not bothering to hunt because they are busy saving their own lives. 

The pulse continues to vibrate. Cygne was anxious. Probably because of the familiarity to the feeling he got from the pulse. It was mystically strange because he couldn't identify it. That's why his pace speed up. 

After twenty minutes , Cygne finally reaches a black cave that is screaming death. Within it, the pressure was getting heavier. It's getting pure like what awaits him inside is the entrance to underworld and he doesn't wish to meet the God of Eternal Night real soon. Anyway, even the sky was dark, complementing to the overall atmosphere. 


Nile feel sorry for his abrupt and uncalled actions towards his master. He grew up together with Cygne which he is three years older. He treated him as a younger brother and swear to protect him from every harm that's why he trained everyday so hard he surpasses the training of the elite troops of the family. He felt so ashamed for what happened earlier and also a bud of admiration sprouted inside him. 

'Strong!' That's the only word he could think of when he witnessed the display of skill in swords and evasion Cygne showed him. He showed a prowess that his body can't handle. He became a new person! The cowardly master was gone! Nile was really amazed from it that brought to giving his oath of loyalty once again. 

Cygne was lying on the soft grass inside the forest. It was quiet and peaceful and Nile was being cautious to his surrounding. There is monsters and wild animals inside the forest and 'that' place are within there. They forbid Cygne to go inside because it is not ready yet and also, after the incident that almost took the young master's life, they made sure he'll not go back in there until the said time. 

He tried to persuade Cygne to go back into the house but he asked for some time more since he's been at the house for days. Maybe because he usually go inside this forest when he's tired of his life and Nile always accompany Cygne, he didn't object and a slight pitiful gaze was shown to Cygne. 


Nile became alert and Cygne sit up. His hand automatically reach for the hilt of his scabbard when the pulse vibrates again. He was about to tell Cygne to go back now but he already stand up. Nile felt relief that Cygne was still the same who could detect danger and know how to retreat but to betray his thoughts, Cygne started to walk towards the pulsating aura of death. 

Nile immediately followed behind Cygne as his pace started to gather up. He was surprise that Cygne can run in that speed. He seems effortless as well like he's just walking in his house, technically it is. 

"Young master! This is dangerous!" Nile tried to talk with Cygne but it seems like he became deaf, no answer was heard so he just silently followed him. His anxiety doubled when he see the animals and monsters were frantically escaping. He has a bad feeling like he knows where the pulse comes from. 

After a long minute, Cygne stopped and Nile looked at the cave with nervousness. The strong scent of death was seeping out. He looked at Cygne and he could see that he was anxious about something. Nile resolved himself and opened his mouth. 

"Y... Young master. I don't think this is something we can handle."

Nile was anxious from the pressure the cave was giving off. But Cygne seems not bothered by it. His face screams curiosity. That's why Nile grabbed him at his wrist that made Cygne winced from the pain. It was the wrist that snapped from his forceful handling of the sword. 

"I.. I'm sorry! But young master... No... Cygne, it's dangerous. We mustn't go!" Nile retreated his hand but still looking at Cygne with strong will as to not go inside the cave. He is certain that death awaits to those who go near that cave. Even the employees of the house are forbidden to go in.

It was then. 

A black intangible thing shoot out from the cave that is directly going towards Cygne. Nile was about to take action but he knows his speed was not enough and before he could make a move, the black ominous thing stabbed the heart of Cygne but quickly sliced up by a knife. 

There Tien stand in front of Cygne with a stronger killing intent flowing out of him. 

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