The Night Family (4)

Cygne's room, end of the corridor on the second floor. 

Cain's gaze landed to the blood that have been spilled on the carpeted floor with traces in the sheets of the bed and the doctor's white coat. Instantly his aura surrounded the room and servants gasps for air. Even Kirsten flinched from the sudden chill. He rarely see this kind of him. Although they are now can be called as family, he just couldn't blame this weird of a friend of his that when comes to his closes people, his reserved and calm aura left him.

Cain remained standing at the entrance and did not go inside. He doesn't know what exactly this emotion that is swelling inside him was but, he categorized it as something he doesn't want to feel. It's making him weak which is not acceptable for a Night to feel as they are the ruler and the hand that balances good and bad. His brows furrowed like he couldn't understand. His facial features gotten refined from flexing his facial muscles tha

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