“ Mother, you have to show him how to unlock his powers now or I'll use the hard way, “ Gwen said as she turned to look at Calanthe.
Calanthe just glared at Gwen and didn't answer Gwen but instead, she turned to Gerald, took his hand, and led him a safe distance from the chaos that just happened. Gwen followed suit not waiting to be invited.They got to a clear spot where trees weren't abundant in the area, although fog still covered this area it wasn't as thick as the area they just left.“ This is a good spot for training. Now Stand in front of me “ Calanthe instructed Gerald who did as she said without a second thought.“ Unstrap the sword holder from your back, “ Calanthe said and Gerald did just that, while Gwen just stood there with her hands folded on her chest as she observed patiently.Gerald unstrapped the sword holder from his back and held the scabbard that housed his father's sword. He released a breath he never knew he was holding and stood holding the scabbard with his legs slightly apart from each other.“ Take a deep breath, Clear your mind of every doubt and fear, don't think about anything just focus on the energy inside you and bring it out Gerald, you can do this, “ Calanthe said and nodded at him assuringly.Gerald stood still for a while and closed his eyes before taking a deep breath, clearing his mind, and tried focusing on the few happy moments he had in his life.For a moment he began to feel a new energy building within him, it was flowing in his body like waves of electric sparks waiting to be let out, but then again he began to become scared if he could handle the power let alone control it.After the feeling of fear that set in within Gerald, he suddenly stopped feeling the power within him and opened his eyes only to get a disappointed look from Gwen and Calanthe.“ Don't worry Gerald we'll try again, these things take time “ Calanthe said but Gwen shook her head in denial and stepped forward.“ Don't lie to him, mother “ Gwen said and paused looking Gerald straight in the eye so that he would know how pissed off she was at him, and continued talking.“ If you won't tell him the truth then I will. He has done nothing but behave like a woman, instead of him being the one protecting us it's been the other way around and nothing riles me up more than his constant questions. Maybe that's why you always get bullied in the other world because they see you are worthless. Now I see it clearly and to be honest, I'm beginning to wonder why the Gods chose…. “ Gwen said with a serious face trying to look angry but surprisingly Calanthe didn't reprimand Gwen as she did before for picking on Gerald, because she knew exactly what Gwen was trying to do.All the while Gwen was talking Gerald became very furious and closed his eyes. He reached out to the power within him and embraced it, becoming one with it. Before Gwen could finish saying she was wondering why the Gods chose him, he didn't wanna let her complete it.“ Shut up!!! “ Gerald yelled as he held the hilt of his father's sword and unsheathed the sword from its scabbard and threw the scabbard on the ground. The process of him unsheathing the sword, the energy emitted from it as he unsheathed the sword sent Calanthe and Gwen to the floor.Gerald's eye orbs glowed and he raised the sword pointing to the sky. Instantly the sky became cloudy, from the cloudy sky a bolt of lightning struck the sword while Gerald still held it pointing to the sky.The lightning striking Gerald's sword signified that Gerald wasn't just any Last guardian of their sacred stone, he also had the energy of the sky which consisted of the earth, wind, sea, and fire.Gwen and Calanthe looked at the scenario happening in front of them with awe, not only had the Gods blessed them with a liberator to restore peace to their lands, the Gods blessed them with a Guardian who had the powers of the energy of the sky.Calanthe and Gwen were awestruck because their land hadn't had a guardian possessing the energy of the sky for over one thousand years and there they were watching the Gods bless them again with a guardian that has the power of the energy of the sky.When the lightning finished striking Gerald's sword, Gerald brought down the sword, and energy in the form of green spiral lightning sparks emitted from his hands and rested on his sword.Gerald now felt very powerful, it was nothing like he had ever felt before, this was new and soothing. What pleased him the most was that the moment he unsheathed the sword, he got all the knowledge of things happening in this world that he was sure even Calanthe and Gwen never knew.Still holding his father's sword that had green spiral lightning on it which emanated from his hands he pointed the sword to the sky this time around and the green spiral lightning spark shot up into the sky with his eye orbs glowing and thunder roared in the sky.He brought down the sword and quietly put the sword back in the scabbard and strapped it back behind his back, all this while Calanthe and Gwen seeing such power that they had never seen just sat still with their jaws almost dropping to the ground.Gerald wasn't focused on them, rather he focused on exploring his newly found powers, now he knew he was really from this world, he now had memories of when he was born here till Calanthe sent him to the other world to be safe.This was his home, it's no wonder he never really fit in the other world right from high school to college, he thought to himself. This was his world and his people, he was going to save it by all means.His gut feelings told him to stomp his foot on the ground and when he did so, part of the ground he stomped on broke into stones and suspended in the air till he used his hands to direct them in the opposite direction of where he stood and they flew to the direction. It signified he had powers over nature and the earth.He then opened his palms and fire blazed from it, signifying he had powers over the fire too, he closed his palms and opened them again forming a little wind on his palm, signifying he had the power of the wind too.Lastly, he opened both his palms this time around, and spinning water in a round shape formed on his palms signifying he had the power of the sea too, after doing this last part that his gut feeling told him to do,he closed his palms and heaved out a breath, after that, all his powers subsided.Gerald looked at Calanthe and Gwen who were now standing up to dust the dirt that was on their gowns.“ See, it wasn't difficult to bring all those powers out was it, “ Gwen said and chuckled calanthe joined her to chuckle too. Gerald looked at Gwen with one of his eyebrows raised, not understanding what she meant.“ I said those things to rile you up so that you can access your powers. Normally when someone has a problem accessing their magic through a peaceful and stable mind, the harder way which is anger helps out “ Gwen said and Calanthe nodded in agreement. Gerald chuckled and rubbed his hand through his head, he didn't want to speak out but he appreciated what Gwen did.“ To reward you for your mean but also caring gesture I'll show you this, “ Gerald said and reached into this shirt to bring out the necklace. At first Gwen and Calanthe didn't see it but when he used his magic, they saw the necklace.He opened the pendant and brought out the green shiny and transparent half of the Sacred stone. Gwen gasped in surprise when she saw it, for she was thinking the stone would be rough and ugly but never did she imagine it would be that beautiful.“It's beautiful, “ Gwen said and smiled, it was the most genuine smile Gerald has seen her smile since he came back into this world.“ You were right, after all this is half of the stone, but I'm still trying to figure out how and when your parents put the half there. I guess they knew many people would seek the stone. But then this will help shorten our quest “ Calanthe said and smiled.“ You look more like a man now “ Gwen teased Gerald and laughed, but Gerald didn't find it offensive this time around and joined Gwen in laughing, while Calanthe just stood looking at the duo and smiled feeling content.“ That is your sword now Gerald, use it well, for good and not for bad, “ Calanthe said and Gerald nodded at her.“ Alright then, let's go get some sleep, the sun would set soon “ Gwen urged them all and they all went back to where they camped so they could sleep but getting there they found out that their horses were missing.Gerald left Gwen and calanthe telling them to stay where they were and not move. He went to check around the vicinity if he could find traces or even the dead bodies of the horse in case some wild beast came to feed from them.While he was checking around a beast that had the head of a lion but the body of that of an ape lunged at Gerald unexpectedly from behind.Related Chapters
The Guardian Of The Sacred Stone CHAPTER EIGHT
Gerald felt the presence of something around and was alert, even before the beast that had the head of a lion and the body of an ape lunged at Gerald, he also perceived it coming and dodged the beast known as a sibut.The creature crashed to the ground but stood up again to launch an attack at Gerald who by this time had already unsheathed his sword channeling his powers to his sword, and stood ready to defend himself.Calanthe and Gwen heard a roar from a distance and ran toward where the roar was coming from. Reaching there they saw Gerald standing against a creature they had never seen before, but only heard tales about it.Gwen immediately took the hilt of her sword she was holding and touched the crest on it, instantly a blade shot out from the hilt and she channeled her powers into her sword.Unlike Gerald when he channeled his energy into his sword, his energy in the form of green spiral lightning sparks emit from his hands and rest on his sword, but Gwen's sword only glowed b
The Guardian Of The Sacred Stone CHAPTER NINE
When they turned to see who said where they were camping for the night wasn't safe they turned and saw that it was Tartarus who said it.He was now awake and trying to sit up but still repeated what he said although he was still weak.“ This place is not safe, it's the territory of the scorpions, “ Tartarus said while in a sitting position and tried to stand up.“ We need to leave this place now before it is too late, “ Tartarus added.“ What do you mean? “ Gwen asked, confused, while Gerald and Calanthe just stood there watching Tartarus curious as to what he would say next.“ This part of the forest is the realm of the scorpion, “ Tartarus answered as he looked at the trio.Gwen just rolled her eyes and scoffed before replying to Tartarus “ I thought it was a serious problem but scorpions are just poisonous creatures, Gerald alone can take them down if they get to us “ Gwen said.“ You don’t understand these are not ordinary scorpions, they are… “ Tartarus wanted to continue talking
The Guardian Of The Sacred Stone CHAPTER TEN
When Gerald and his companions arrived at the border between the enchanted forest and the realm of the trolls they alighted from the giant scorpions.“ Thank you very much, great scorpions, “ Gerald said to the giant scorpions and bowed his head slightly showing respect.“ We all have names, Gerald. I am Atamis, their leader. I wish you luck in this quest you all have embarked on because you will need all the luck you can get to be able to defeat King Nebeus “ Atamis, the leader of the giant scorpion, said to Gerald.While Gwen, Calanthe, and Tartarus waited patiently for him to be done discussing with the scorpions.“ Thank you Atamis, I wish you well too. Goodbye I hope fate makes our paths cross again “ Gerald said and bowed slightly before turning his back to go back to the others who were standing in front of the thick fog that surrounded the forest, the fog was its gate out.Gerald barely took four steps when Atamis called out to him again.“ Be careful Gerald, on this quest you
The Guardian Of The Sacred Stone CHAPTER ELEVEN
When the city gate opened and Gerald could see a girl being dragged to the podium meant for beheading. He immediately turned to Calanthe.“ Is this an illusion too? All these things we are seeing right now “ Gerald asked to be sure of his next move as they all stood ready to fight too.“ There’s only one way to find out or I can just portal us out of here right now “ Calanthe answered with her gaze fixed on King Nebeus Soldiers and the trolls who were just a little distance away from them.“ No, if we portal out of here we won't be able to save that girl they are dragging to the podium. I won't forgive myself if I leave without trying to save her because I am a woman like her. My spirit tells me she'll be of great assistance to us “ Gwen cut in before Gerald could answer Calanthe and Gerald was impressed at how reasonable Gwen was at that moment.“ This is the first time I have heard you say something very reasonable since I began to travel with you all, “ Tartarus said with a chuckle.
The Guardian Of The Sacred Stone CHAPTER TWELVE
“ You shall not die today, supreme mother of the light. Not while I’m here “ The female voice said but she failed to see the face before she blanked out.“ Mother, stay with me please!! “ Gwen jerked her mom in a bid to keep her awake but all to avail.At this same time the strange woman rushed to Calanthe’s side and knelt beside her trying to cast a spell that would extract the troll's venom.“ Who are you? “ Gerald asked the woman and while the rest except Tartarus who had passed out, just looked at the woman. For some reason Gerald didn’t trust her.“ I am Adeline of Meldine and I’m a friend of Calanthe or should I say Calanthe taught me everything I know today. Please let me heal her, I’m also a sister of the light, “ Adeline said.Adeline didn’t wait for them to give her approval before she placed both of her hands on Calanthe’s chest and began to chant a spell.Just like Calanthe, a bright light shone on Adeline’s hands as the spell began to extract the poison from Calanthe’s bo
The Guardian Of The Sacred Stone CHAPTER THIRTEEN
When Gerald asked what was wrong with Grafburg, the whole room went silent for a while Gwen kept looking at her mom angrily. Gwen was indeed very short-tempered.“ Ask my dear mother, since she is the one who portalled us here. She’s in the best position to answer your question, “ Gwen said as she looked at Gerald.“ Isn’t that right, Mother? “ Gwen said to Calanthe and faked a smile. Calanthe rolled her eyes at her daughter.“ Gwendolyn!! “ Calanthe said to her daughter in a reprimanding way. She only called Gwen by her full whenever she was trying to reprimand her daughter or express disapproval of the way Gwen behaved.“ I apologize, “ Gwen said and bowed slightly showing respect to her mother even though she was still visibly unhappy about where her mother decided to portal them to.“ I brought us here because I think we might be safe here for now. King Nebeus and Ophelia, his head of Mages, would consider this the last place we’ll come to because to them they’ll feel like we all c
The Guardian Of The Sacred Stone CHAPTER FOURTEEN
Calanthe, Gwen, Tartarus, and Most of all Gerald, curiously looked at Hesperia expecting an answer on how she could help them.Hesperia began fidgeting with her fingers nervously. She was scared of talking because she felt that someone might hear and report to King Nebeus since Grafburg was after all the place he resided in.Gerald noticed her nervousness and instantly sensed that she was afraid of something. This piqued his interest more because when they saved her, she had this mysterious aura around that he couldn't quite place his fingers on.“ It's fine Hesperia. You're safe with us and we won't let any harm come to you okay? “ Gerald assured Hesperia with a tight-lipped smile.“ Okay, “ Hesperia answered him and closed her eyes as she exhaled several times to calm her paranoia down. She tried to calm down while the rest waited for her patient.When she opened her eyes they glowed neon green which surprised everyone in the room. When Hesperia’s eyes glowed, everyone in the room f
The Guardian Of The Sacred Stone CHAPTER ONE
“You’re hurting me; please stop,” Gerald pleaded with Steven while trying to adjust his medicated eyeglasses, which wanted to fall due to how Steven and his friends kept pushing him. “Where would be the fun in that?” Steven asked and laughed with his friends. “Where is the money Steven asked you to bring today huh?” One of Steven’s friends asked Gerald. “I can't ask my parents for that kind of huge amount of money. They would question me and even end up not giving me,” Gerald answered and received a punch on his stomach from Steven, making Gerald yell in pain. Yes, it’s exactly what you are thinking. Gerald was being bullied at school by Steven and his friends. Gerald Halloway, despite being from a wealthy family and an only child, was a laughingstock at school and was always being bullied. But he never for once told his parents about it due to his fears that it would make situations worse for him because those bullying him had wealthy parents too. He was called Piggy because o
Latest Chapter
Calanthe, Gwen, Tartarus, and Most of all Gerald, curiously looked at Hesperia expecting an answer on how she could help them.Hesperia began fidgeting with her fingers nervously. She was scared of talking because she felt that someone might hear and report to King Nebeus since Grafburg was after all the place he resided in.Gerald noticed her nervousness and instantly sensed that she was afraid of something. This piqued his interest more because when they saved her, she had this mysterious aura around that he couldn't quite place his fingers on.“ It's fine Hesperia. You're safe with us and we won't let any harm come to you okay? “ Gerald assured Hesperia with a tight-lipped smile.“ Okay, “ Hesperia answered him and closed her eyes as she exhaled several times to calm her paranoia down. She tried to calm down while the rest waited for her patient.When she opened her eyes they glowed neon green which surprised everyone in the room. When Hesperia’s eyes glowed, everyone in the room f
When Gerald asked what was wrong with Grafburg, the whole room went silent for a while Gwen kept looking at her mom angrily. Gwen was indeed very short-tempered.“ Ask my dear mother, since she is the one who portalled us here. She’s in the best position to answer your question, “ Gwen said as she looked at Gerald.“ Isn’t that right, Mother? “ Gwen said to Calanthe and faked a smile. Calanthe rolled her eyes at her daughter.“ Gwendolyn!! “ Calanthe said to her daughter in a reprimanding way. She only called Gwen by her full whenever she was trying to reprimand her daughter or express disapproval of the way Gwen behaved.“ I apologize, “ Gwen said and bowed slightly showing respect to her mother even though she was still visibly unhappy about where her mother decided to portal them to.“ I brought us here because I think we might be safe here for now. King Nebeus and Ophelia, his head of Mages, would consider this the last place we’ll come to because to them they’ll feel like we all c
“ You shall not die today, supreme mother of the light. Not while I’m here “ The female voice said but she failed to see the face before she blanked out.“ Mother, stay with me please!! “ Gwen jerked her mom in a bid to keep her awake but all to avail.At this same time the strange woman rushed to Calanthe’s side and knelt beside her trying to cast a spell that would extract the troll's venom.“ Who are you? “ Gerald asked the woman and while the rest except Tartarus who had passed out, just looked at the woman. For some reason Gerald didn’t trust her.“ I am Adeline of Meldine and I’m a friend of Calanthe or should I say Calanthe taught me everything I know today. Please let me heal her, I’m also a sister of the light, “ Adeline said.Adeline didn’t wait for them to give her approval before she placed both of her hands on Calanthe’s chest and began to chant a spell.Just like Calanthe, a bright light shone on Adeline’s hands as the spell began to extract the poison from Calanthe’s bo
When the city gate opened and Gerald could see a girl being dragged to the podium meant for beheading. He immediately turned to Calanthe.“ Is this an illusion too? All these things we are seeing right now “ Gerald asked to be sure of his next move as they all stood ready to fight too.“ There’s only one way to find out or I can just portal us out of here right now “ Calanthe answered with her gaze fixed on King Nebeus Soldiers and the trolls who were just a little distance away from them.“ No, if we portal out of here we won't be able to save that girl they are dragging to the podium. I won't forgive myself if I leave without trying to save her because I am a woman like her. My spirit tells me she'll be of great assistance to us “ Gwen cut in before Gerald could answer Calanthe and Gerald was impressed at how reasonable Gwen was at that moment.“ This is the first time I have heard you say something very reasonable since I began to travel with you all, “ Tartarus said with a chuckle.
When Gerald and his companions arrived at the border between the enchanted forest and the realm of the trolls they alighted from the giant scorpions.“ Thank you very much, great scorpions, “ Gerald said to the giant scorpions and bowed his head slightly showing respect.“ We all have names, Gerald. I am Atamis, their leader. I wish you luck in this quest you all have embarked on because you will need all the luck you can get to be able to defeat King Nebeus “ Atamis, the leader of the giant scorpion, said to Gerald.While Gwen, Calanthe, and Tartarus waited patiently for him to be done discussing with the scorpions.“ Thank you Atamis, I wish you well too. Goodbye I hope fate makes our paths cross again “ Gerald said and bowed slightly before turning his back to go back to the others who were standing in front of the thick fog that surrounded the forest, the fog was its gate out.Gerald barely took four steps when Atamis called out to him again.“ Be careful Gerald, on this quest you
When they turned to see who said where they were camping for the night wasn't safe they turned and saw that it was Tartarus who said it.He was now awake and trying to sit up but still repeated what he said although he was still weak.“ This place is not safe, it's the territory of the scorpions, “ Tartarus said while in a sitting position and tried to stand up.“ We need to leave this place now before it is too late, “ Tartarus added.“ What do you mean? “ Gwen asked, confused, while Gerald and Calanthe just stood there watching Tartarus curious as to what he would say next.“ This part of the forest is the realm of the scorpion, “ Tartarus answered as he looked at the trio.Gwen just rolled her eyes and scoffed before replying to Tartarus “ I thought it was a serious problem but scorpions are just poisonous creatures, Gerald alone can take them down if they get to us “ Gwen said.“ You don’t understand these are not ordinary scorpions, they are… “ Tartarus wanted to continue talking
Gerald felt the presence of something around and was alert, even before the beast that had the head of a lion and the body of an ape lunged at Gerald, he also perceived it coming and dodged the beast known as a sibut.The creature crashed to the ground but stood up again to launch an attack at Gerald who by this time had already unsheathed his sword channeling his powers to his sword, and stood ready to defend himself.Calanthe and Gwen heard a roar from a distance and ran toward where the roar was coming from. Reaching there they saw Gerald standing against a creature they had never seen before, but only heard tales about it.Gwen immediately took the hilt of her sword she was holding and touched the crest on it, instantly a blade shot out from the hilt and she channeled her powers into her sword.Unlike Gerald when he channeled his energy into his sword, his energy in the form of green spiral lightning sparks emit from his hands and rest on his sword, but Gwen's sword only glowed b
“ Mother, you have to show him how to unlock his powers now or I'll use the hard way, “ Gwen said as she turned to look at Calanthe.Calanthe just glared at Gwen and didn't answer Gwen but instead, she turned to Gerald, took his hand, and led him a safe distance from the chaos that just happened. Gwen followed suit not waiting to be invited.They got to a clear spot where trees weren't abundant in the area, although fog still covered this area it wasn't as thick as the area they just left.“ This is a good spot for training. Now Stand in front of me “ Calanthe instructed Gerald who did as she said without a second thought.“ Unstrap the sword holder from your back, “ Calanthe said and Gerald did just that, while Gwen just stood there with her hands folded on her chest as she observed patiently.Gerald unstrapped the sword holder from his back and held the scabbard that housed his father's sword. He released a breath he never knew he was holding and stood holding the scabbard with his
When Gerald and Calanthe came back to join Pitney and Gwen, they all laughed at Pitney's funny tales about her town, and eventually, they fell asleep. But little did they know that Pitney wasn't asleep but just pretending.Gerald laid down on his mat sleeping soundly and surprisingly comfortably for someone who is sleeping in a place where evil and danger lurked.When Pitney thought that the trio was in deep slumber, she took out a dagger from her boot that had a crest of the beast that Gwen killed.Pitney raised the dagger and was about to stab Gerald but felt a sharp and intense pain in her legs like she was stabbed there.She cried out in pain and her fangs became visible, due to her loud cry, she woke Calanthe and Gerald up. They looked at Pitney with horror, not believing their eyes.Pitney looked down to see what pierced her and saw an icicle that looked like a stake was stabbed through her leg and rooted into the ground due to this she couldn't move. Pitney already knew that th