Chapter 125
As Axel sprinted away from Luna and Evelyn's mischievous plan, laughter filled the air, echoing their lighthearted camaraderie. Despite the weight of their mission and the challenges they had faced, moments like these served as a reminder of the bond they had forged and the joy they found in each other's company.

Eventually, Axel managed to find a safe spot to catch their breath and compose themselves. They couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of the situation and the playfulness that had unfolded among them.

Luna approached Axel with a smile, her mischievous glint subsiding. "Sorry about that, Axel. We didn't mean to push it too far. We were just trying to lighten the mood."

Axel, still catching their breath, responded with a mixture of amusement and relief. "It's alright, Luna. I know you all meant well. Sometimes, we need these moments of levity to keep our spirits high amidst the challenges we face."

Evelyn, who had caught up to them, added, "Indeed, Axel. Our journey has
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