Chapter 135
While Ellie ventured into the wilderness to satisfy her craving for meat, the rest of us settled down in the tent, savoring the warmth of the soup and the camaraderie that had grown between us over the course of our journey.

As we sat around the small fire, Luna spoke up, her voice filled with a mix of concern and curiosity. "Axel, do you think this dragon we encountered is going to pose a threat in the future?"

Axel contemplated her question, his gaze fixed on the flickering flames. "It's hard to say for certain," he replied. "Dragons are powerful beings, and if left unchecked, they can wreak havoc on the realm. However, our encounter with this dragon was different. It seemed to have lost its purpose and was consumed by sorrow and rage."

Evelyn chimed in, her voice resonating in Axel's mind. "Indeed, Axel is correct. This dragon's plight is unique, born out of tragedy and the burden it carries. It may be possible to help it find peace rather than view it solely as a threat."

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