Chapter 148
With the immediate threat of the goblins subdued, we decided to let Jeanne, Alwen, and Jack handle the remaining powerful monsters while we took a moment to catch our breath. Despite the intense battle, we were relieved to see that everyone in our party was safe and relatively unharmed.

Concerned about Ellie's well-being, I pointed out the large axe hovering above her head. She seemed surprised and confused, realizing that it could have been a fatal blow if she were a human. We were reminded once again of the extraordinary abilities and vulnerabilities that came with our unique circumstances.

Luna joined us, her feet gently touching the ground as she landed beside me. I checked her condition to ensure she was unscathed, relieved to find her unharmed as well. With the immediate danger passed, the group contemplated their next move.

Evelyn raised the question of whether we should assist the guards in dealing with the remaining monsters. Considering the strength and experience of Jeann

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