Chapter 153
I listened attentively to the female knights' instructions, eager to learn and expand my culinary skills. I embraced the joy of cooking and the art of creating flavors that delighted the palate. Together, we experimented with different ingredients, spices, and techniques, pushing the boundaries of what was known and exploring new possibilities.

As time went on, the fortress became known not only for its strong defenses but also for its delectable cuisine. Travelers and adventurers would come from far and wide, not just seeking protection but also to savor the mouthwatering dishes prepared by our kitchen.

I took pride in seeing the smiles and satisfied expressions on people's faces as they indulged in the flavors and textures of the meals we crafted with love and passion. The kitchen became a hub of warmth, camaraderie, and culinary exploration.

But my journey didn't end in the kitchen. I continued to venture out into the world, seeking new ingredients, recipes, and culinary inspirat

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