Chapter 161
With my clothes back in place, we made our way back to the castle, our hearts filled with a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. The journey through the Devil's Forest had been challenging, but we had emerged victorious, triumphing over the Hydra and quelling the Calamity Factor that had plagued the land.

As we entered the castle, we were greeted by the familiar sights and sounds of our home. The knights and castle staff welcomed us with cheers and applause, celebrating our safe return and the successful completion of our mission.

In the days that followed, life at the castle resumed its usual rhythm. We took some time to rest and recover from our arduous journey, allowing our bodies and minds to rejuvenate. But it wasn't long before our thirst for adventure called us once again.

News of our exploits had spread far and wide, attracting the attention of other kingdoms and organizations seeking our assistance. Requests for aid and invitations to prestigious events flooded in, eac

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