Chapter 56
With their resolve reinforced, Axel and Ellie stepped into the shadowed threshold of the tower. The air grew colder, and the atmosphere turned oppressive. The interior was dimly lit, revealing long corridors and twisted staircases that seemed to lead into the heart of darkness itself.

They proceeded cautiously, their senses attuned to any sign of danger. The silence was broken only by their echoing footsteps and the distant murmurs that seemed to emanate from deep within the tower.

As they climbed higher, the walls around them came alive with grotesque paintings, depicting scenes of suffering and despair. It was a haunting reminder of the evil that thrived within these walls, and their determination to bring an end to it burned brighter.

Finally, they reached a chamber bathed in an eerie glow. The sound of chanting grew louder, and Axel's heart quickened. They had found their destination—the heart of the Demon Ritual.

Taking a deep breath, Axel and Ellie stepped into the chamber. W
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