Chapter 62
Evelyn sighed softly, her gaze drifting into the distance as she recounted her past. "The freezing of the forest was no ordinary occurrence. It was a manifestation of the imbalance within the natural order, a sign that something greater was at play. As an ordinary elf, I felt a deep connection to the forest and its inhabitants. It was my home, and I couldn't bear to see it suffer."

"I dedicated myself to training, delving into the ancient wisdom of our ancestors, and honing my skills as a warrior. The journey was arduous, filled with challenges and sacrifices. But with each step, I grew stronger, both physically and spiritually."

"One fateful day, as I stood on the precipice of the frozen forest, I tapped into a wellspring of power that I never knew existed within me. It was as if the forest itself recognized my unwavering determination and bestowed upon me the mantle of a goddess."

"The transformation was both a blessing and a burden. As a goddess, I possessed immense power, but it
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