Chapter 64
Riding on Ellie's majestic dragon form, we landed on the sandy shore where a woman lay motionless. Our original destination was the island in the middle of the sea, where the bunny girls resided, but something compelled us to pause and check on this mysterious woman.

Curiosity piqued, I watched as Luna gently shook the woman's body, hoping to rouse her from her unconscious state. The woman, adorned in traditional Balinese clothing known as safari, had long black hair cascading around her. Her unique attire hinted at a cultural background distinct from the medieval-style places I had visited before.

Recognition sparked within me, and I couldn't help but clap my hands together in realization. "I know what she's wearing! It's traditional Balinese clothing from Indonesia."

Evelyn chimed in, her voice laced with amusement. "Ah, sacrificing for her, are you, Axel? That's quite the bold move. Though I must say, it sounds like a ploy to steal a woman's chastity."

I quickly dismissed Evelyn

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