Chapter 78
With the rebellion quelled and justice restored, Axel and Evelyn stood by Ayu's side as she addressed the people, vowing to lead with fairness and compassion. The city erupted in cheers, the sound of hope and triumph reverberating through the streets.

Axel and Evelyn had played their part in the restoration of the rightful queen and the preservation of peace. Their journey had taken an unexpected turn, but their courage and determination had prevailed. As they looked out at the jubilant crowd, they knew that their mission was far from over.

New challenges awaited them, but together, they were ready to face whatever lay ahead. Side by side, they embarked on the next chapter of their adventure, knowing that their bond and their shared purpose would guide them through the trials to come.

Axel watched as his party members left, their excitement palpable as they ventured into the city for some much-needed leisure time. He couldn't help but smile at their enthusiasm, knowing that they des

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