Chapter 85
In the midst of the chaos, Axel's unwavering belief in Adiratna Ayu and Faye's fierce determination to reshape the region fueled their resolve. They became symbols of hope and resilience, their names whispered in hushed tones among the oppressed and downtrodden.

The final confrontation loomed ahead, as Axel, Faye, and their allies converged on the imposter queen's stronghold. It was a battle that would test their skills, their bonds, and their faith in their cause. Lives would be lost, sacrifices would be made, but they were ready to pay the price for the freedom they fought for.

In the climactic showdown, Axel faced off against the imposter queen, a formidable adversary fueled by desperation and a desire to hold onto power. It was a battle of wits, strength, and conviction, as Axel sought to expose the imposter's true identity and reveal the depths of her deception.

In the end, truth triumphed over deceit. The imposter queen was unmasked, and the rightful queen, Adiratna Ayu, retur

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