Chapter 90
As the sun rose, casting its warm glow upon the city, Axel Maverick, the versatile adventurer, knew that his journey was far from finished. With Evelyn's unwavering support, the Liberators by his side, and the determination burning in his heart, he would continue to fight for a world where justice reigned supreme and the light of hope never wavered.

With the initial phase of their mission accomplished, Axel and the Liberators regrouped in a secluded hideout to assess the situation and plan their next moves. They knew that the liberation of the city was just the beginning, and the real challenge lay in building a sustainable and fair society.

As they gathered around a dimly lit table, Axel addressed his comrades with a determined tone. "We have shown the people that change is possible, but our work has only just begun. It's time to shift our focus to reconstruction and establishing a new order that upholds justice and equality."

The Liberators nodded in agreement, their eyes reflecti

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