Chapter 99
The warmth of the tea and the comforting presence of Evelyn on my lap brought a sense of tranquility. As we enjoyed the peaceful moment together, the events of the day slowly faded into the background. The moonlight bathed the room, casting a gentle glow that added to the serenity of the scene.

As Evelyn mentioned the beauty of the moon, I couldn't help but gaze at it as well. Its ethereal light illuminated the night sky, casting a sense of calm and wonder upon us. It was a reminder of the vastness of the world and the mysteries that lay beyond.

I gently stroked Evelyn's hair, relishing in the peacefulness of the moment. The bond we shared had grown deep over time, and I cherished every moment we spent together. Despite the challenges we faced, we always found solace in each other's presence.

The mention of taking a shower together brought a playful smile to my face. It was a ritual we had developed, a small act of intimacy that strengthened our connection. In those moments, there w

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