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Sometimes Praga feel that body is a miniature of inferno..Any junk food one consume give effect and desease come after that .Any negativity in mind create stress n again desease after.Any unhappy marriage..lousy environment..bad relationship at work or family.. Even physical contact,in bad family relationship will be nomore enjoyment ...All the prob trapped in mind and body...Then sickness must pay all ....So...what .... meditate.smile...healthy food ...kindness...yes...that's how to do in encountering n dealing with all that.He has work link to make his life go on ..with the ladies, orders from celebs ,and art dealer.This last mentioned party who made him like now . Abundant of money and admirers . Girls are so easy to get.Everything he want as well.Then what now.Some ladies were crazy about his look ..they think he was hot ,with the tighten long hair , sleeve less t shirt and sometimes without a few days no bathing ..it's strange.he does it not to be look sexy or something
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Then a few days after,Vid talked to Puri at a cafe she told her what she wanted , " l need to have a conversationalist....a type of person who got interest in many matters,having abundant of knowledge,social sciences ,natural science and any science....it's so rare...a person who care about surrounding ,life virtues,personal matters, culturalmatters,religion ,etc..a person who got interest of all about human life .as. human live aim is for huge intention ...not only for breeding n eating..But most people only interest about themselves,their work ,their passion ,their beauty,their wealth ,their problems...none really interested to ask others ..' ,,how are you,, is only question of cold greeting ..none really care ....Am l a caring person the way l want others to be ? Maybe lm no better ..what l say is right ,because that's what l feel ...none really care to others...." She spooned her vanilla ice cream.,then looked at Puri who seemed half understand to what she just heard.P
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Why things decay..?Tera asked when she saw some mangos decayed on the ground and when she just want to pick it Prana forbid her and said it's decayed and bad to be consumed."Every things have the limit of times ' said he ..she cycled with her little bike along the side road of the complex.,,Why we are killing the fish ....?,, Her sense of how living things survive made her asking all those questions.,, Because we eat that so we can get good nutrition ,,Prana know that she won't stop asking before something else attracted her attention. ,,Why you destroy some of your school papers?,,It's nomore useful ,,,,Why l must play in the test class competition?,,,,As each one must try to do the best " As Pak Gembira enter the room ,the discussion was still on. He smiled without intrusion.,,Why evil fight the hero ?,,.. Prana looked at her small sister with love..A door bell rang .It destruct the talk as Tera hopes it was Finara.She dashed away to the front office of Pak Gembira.
The Handsome English Teacher From Manchester Boutique
This was Sema speech in frontof the social workers training center,there the 4 trainer sat and listen what everyone idea about social problems around . Children is one of the important element . She stood confidently ,a paper in her hand ,which she sometimes take a look .Talking fluently is so sign to attract audience attention,, How do you upbring Ur children?Me ,l let them be themselves even at times l disagree with them but they are children of their own era n l must deal with likes n dislikes of myself...Other times l make them to follow what l believe...as child need guidance just like the way we did when we were at his or her age...So,life is always compromise about things differ...Only , human must learn till death whether we put things properly...life is not as easy as a good kite player who knows when to loose the kite in the wind n when to keep it in the power of hands n avoid things to move it ..For me nothing more important than giving proper upbringing and good
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Pera was wide eyed open in her teenage time when an elder told her that she had to own principles....believe in what to believe ,as a thousand heads can have a thousand opinions .too...another elder informed her that each time we met a person we shall learn new things...yes they are right ..So many manners shocks adults... it's that caused by young ones don't learn enough ,or don't wanna learn at all ,that's why we keep on or often doing wrong in our social life n relationship in small n big scope ?We say things that been said before,We do things that been done.N in the name of lack of knowledge about others . Those words n deeds are wrong or just unacceptable ..n that's why we got bored with someone n try to find other or going back to the old one.. because we don't know how to handle the situation after new decisions made ...all in the mess n the victims always be the ones who got aside .We are included in it ,as others have their own space .Well , principally what w
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Each living things display how matters in the universe work.Meet a thousand people ,they will bring a thousand issues.All point out the inevitable fact that fragility and strength wed ,and each antonym has pair ..good and bad for instance.Then deliver children of darkness among lightAll words is a dust to make huge mountain..piles of everyone stories.It is wish n want of disgusting obligation to do millions of things to clear up the pathwayOn the way to the house of ego...it's a messy world..as everyone wants to be number one..and number is unlimited.That's purification..when you need to see things better .You will come across those ugly foes with bloody bare handed will to kill others for that number one position.All the creature become your shield to ambush in the battlefield where u don't know which one is your defendants n which one is your attacker All blended in fake ideas of everythingOnly they who drag the lightN keep the darkness in handsWho are safe ....Even n
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In Singapore, a mom reported her 12 son to the police as he stole some money from their housemaid..reporters asked why she reported her own son ,who consequently got 3 months imprisonment punishment..the wise n great mom simply said " l reported him because l dont want him to be a thief when he grow up"Primavera folded the paper , playing her teaspoon on the plate ,admiring the mom in the newspaper.What is or has been happening now in America? Charlie knew well..he got everything for tele communication.. people havebeen using phone for phone and offices ..then some are mesmerized by the development of wireless phone ..it's practical ..ones don't have to sit all the time behind the desk or run to the phone but able to walk around or even go out from the room a bit ...then ..long distance callby card ...or in some states even by coins ..Then this cellphone ...only a few who use it ..it's still so expensive, exclusive,so the users were among only the users... cellphone will be so d
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Elite make chaos on various negative and nasty issues....maybe to loath people, therefore ones escapes from reality...again they pick advantage to make more n more corruption..making more and more crooks to fool the society ..Kevin quicker his step .But Hans walking so fast .,,Hans!! Wait !! " Hans turned his head .,,Oh Kevin ! You are here ?",,Ya l need to see you " Hans waited till they were at same line .,,My mom giving an alm for the kids ..who ..you told me last time ..have to use a yacht to school..some of them even have no sandals or shoes " ,,Oh .. that's great Kevin..God Mercy..l must tell the committee then . Sorry,how much is it ? "Kevin said an amount, which made Hans opened his mouth.He patted Kevin back ..then folding her elbow around his shoulder then walking together just like two happy kids , toward a canteen.From regime to regime. Looks nothing getting better , isn't it ? In remote area,the facility in remote areas kids can not go to school smooth ly ..
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The End of The Beginning
They walked out of the airport area and found a cafe to stay for a while before going to Fin house . Fin called the girls not to pick her up at the airport.. they knew that Tim already there to do it .He would fullfil his promise last time they met to take her home by his motorbike.Fin must get a helmet first .. Fortunately there was a street seller for helmets . Tim face was like a kid in a candy store when he knew that Fin had broken up her marriage since 5 months back .Tim told her how he tried 3 times to find her but all in vain and at last he got an important information from Praga .Tim also told him that she tried to call him but the the receptionist at the course told her that he was busy .Writing him a two full page letter also she did to contact him but all failed. ,Are you depressed ?' ,,For the first 2 months yes ...but then l know that's the best way out for me ,Tim . ,,Did you find someone suitable? ,,,No ...." ,,Me too..,,,,She looked at him affectionately..an
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Fin called Lydia .,,Tell Laura to come here .l need to talk to her ..and you both ".,, Alright, Miss" ,,Laura ..l need to go for a week or two .So l delegate all these to you ..I know both of you are trustworthy, as we have gone for a few months before and you can handle this boutique when l was out .Now please do the same . I will contact you often and you can contact me too to the hotel I will be in " ,"Certainly,Miss ,excuse me for asking ,where will you go to ?",,I'm not sure yet , Lydia, maybe Bali ..Batam and Padang ...there are things I must handle.",,Great Miss , where will you go ? Tomorrow?",,Ya , tomorrow morning .Please check the flight to Bali first ,then see Padang " .__After more than an hour leaning on the tree waiting for her to come ..and none he could get ..Tim felt the frailty inside him .Then he thought about something.What if he try once again to get the info from Praga about Fin ? Even he showed the hardiness and secretive manner but there must be so
Primavera brows some articles about operational manager work ..which made Charlie looked so hectic.He come back home late sometimes then going out and having trip a lot intercity .Sometime he came in for lunch .Then came back to the office .Prima supposed that it's his way to respect her , accompanied her for lunch ,or there was something empty inside his soul that demanding an affinity .She recalled his problem with his past as ex marine ,his lost of his young wife ,his divorce with the second one,and the one betrayed him , a girl from Maduba who ran away to Germany after getting much money from him.He considered her as healer..so he always saw himself as a sick man .She knew that he got businesses links with several VIP s ,beside his position in the oil company.With these superiority...he was a man with serious problem.She wanted to understand him better, so it's good to imagine how busy he is .. browsing things related to it ..**The roles and functions of operations managers
Hazel was Leslie wife's name.She'a taciturn person . Her expression showed such despondency.It's contradictory to the boys .She seemed to have her own world , whilst Leslie was a happy go_lucky one . She accompanied the two boys at the little playground behind the boutique store which arranged by Fin to make convenient for customers.Having playground while the adults seeing the store .Hazel bought hosiery .She was an editor at the same magazine where Leslie worked .What work as an editor look like ?What made her look so mawkish..or ..not that .. serious? strained....does she work in tedium ? Ones wondered ..what if someone prod her ..will she resent ? They wanted to check out why ..so they look for some information from Wikipedia*responsible for planning and creating written materials. A few of the main duties of an editor are editing copy and improving on it, educate writers on best practices, identify ways to improve the flow of materials, and advise writers on content pieces.
As a senior journalist who worked at new magazine ,Leslie made permutations in a list of things he would do orderly .He would start from big,medium or small businesses or vice versa as he could not estimate the measurements by physical build only . Sometimes big business appeared small or vice versa .Say family business.lt can be small ran out by simple person with simple management ,it also can be ran by big and complicated business doers .He can measure it after observation, interview and conclusion.The length of time also can be considered .But he didn't care too much about big or small ,long or begin ner ,main point was, it's attractive or not .The attraction points could be estimated by many factors,including what's the idea of the business,the vision it convey and how it established and facing the up and downs which come out from time to time.The magazines he worked also relatively new It's not longer than a year back .Leslie managed the interviews on businesses doers al
Asean Business Journal
Fin let her body relax after the long trip .It need time to adapt again even it's her own home after leaving for a few months .Surrounded by those suburban people and her foreign colleagues,it was only 5 hours ago .Now she was back to her city life . Facing the hours to do this and that .Well ...shower will do her good ..she walked to the bathroom while singing , Antonius song by Michael franks..Antonio lives life's frevoAntonio prays for truthAntonio says our friendshipIs a hundred-proofThe vulture that circles RioHangs in this L.A. skyThe blankets they give the IndiansOnly make them dieBut sing the SongForgotten for so longAnd let the Music flowLike Light into the RainbowWe know the Dance, we haveWe still have the chanceTo break these chains and flowLike Light into the RainbowWe still have the chanceTo break these chains and flowLike Light into the RainbowAntonio loves the desertAntonio prays for rainAntonio knows that PleasureIs the child of PainAnd lost
Arm Wrestling
,,I want a difficult woman .",,I ...want a simple but sophisticated one ,,,, Simplicity",Rich woman , Beautiful inside outside,,Motherly ..not working woman.,,Nice and interesting,,Sexy ,, IntelligentAnd that's what have been heard from the smoky room which now is clearThose chatters know that what they want maybe will never or will be come true .None can fulfill any dream...can't one ?Fin was burying some seeds on the pots ,picking some wild grass , some part to throw away other parts to be put in a vase to ordinate her room . She watched the beauty of it ...why people name only rose and jesemine or daisy for pretty flowers ? Wild flower can make your day even better ,if you know how to ...She remembered things randomly...in the classroom with Mandy...She asked some tricky questions..,,Tell me , each one of you ,name one of your favorite color and say 2 adjectives for what things made you feel about the color ..Melvin ,who always wore black suits said ,,, Black..str
Hey little hummingbirdStay with me in this cold JanuaryAre you waiting for something to happen ?Meeting the beloved oneOr better years ahead..Let's talk with me little beautiful birdWe got same story to chat . .People come and go .Who stay and who leave ? ,,God always give a much better days than yesterday..yesteryears seems more wonderful since we have no time capsule,no spaceships,no vehicle ,no bike ,to visit it except our memories..Put them well and safe and keep on walking...,,Sit on the stoneFeel all here..tree branches as roof ..Water as moving bed .And the grass as mat ..sleep here with cute ants and grasshoppers..Rabby..Each moment we witness Your Omnipotent powerTo make life goes on in pain and joyIn the balance of nothing and everythingWe shake as our soul breath in hope and despairRabbyWe witness how good and bad work in their own way find their process to endYou witness everyone deedSpreading justice in multiplying rewards and punishmentNone of us c
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If the number of human being as many as salts or sands in the sea ..imagine it ..we live in a cluster..Having our own family and that's the destiny started it's path...Do you believe in natural selection..the Darwin theory whose hypothesis were poked by some and trusted by some others as it was one of the pages in the text books and what the highschool study to get good score at biology subject?About the strong and the weak .The winner and the loser .It's copied by agencies to get good models ,singers ,movie star etc..Started on competition...so are at companies.. people applied for job ..people apply for university admission...all is about competition.The winner takes all? Is that fair ?Life is often unfair ..for the losers .It is really a choler .Those elites are bestial .They are hooligans.They are godless.Hard hitting.They patter a game to make every doors open for them .They are impish.In long ago battles,kings went fight !Now ,kings and leaders sit behind the d