Blue matra leaves, an ingredient rarely found in the Mansaw islands, it grows on trees high as horizontal cargo transports, it’s said by the inhabitants it is the finisher in any dish cooked. Add this to any stew its perfection will bring paradise to your taste buds, sour it with fried fish, the leaves will taste better than the fish, the matra leaves are so rare they are only cultivated once every fifteen years since its only then that the matra leave petals are blue and ready, if the leaves are harvested when pre mature well… victims say having acid inside your gut is better off. “Honey I need some of these matra leaves.” Sam yelled from the living room, suspicious and anxious to prove whether these leaves are as good as they are rumored, and potent as warned, he found a place to spend his five million idling in the safe for the past seven years because the banks were tired of their money. “How you doing honey?” he greeted, her daughter had woken some minutes ago and in her pajamas she carried herself to the living room for breakfast, “I’m good just this killing hangover.” Mary groaned.
Her hair was rubbished, drool marks patterned her lips, her eyes well filled with clog, her morning breath was worse than the rotten eggs her mother threw away the previous night, she was evidently in shambles. “Young lady what are you doing?” her mother hissed, Elizabeth placed the plates on the table but before that she glared at her daughter, she was in tatters, she didn’t know what pissed her off the most, her morning breath or her stench of puke and alcohol. “You are not eating looking like Bricky Ricky.” Elizabeth stated, placing only two plates on the table, one beside Mary where her father sat, and one opposite her which was for her own, “Mum I had a long day.” Mary complained banging her head on the table. “I don’t care if you fought a typhoon or a Martian from Mars you are taking a shower and a galloon of coffee before you have my breakfast of toast and tea from camel milk.” Her mother clearly stated. Mary was disheartened, what was worth it, she being the mad one in the house for the day and miss her gold prized breakfast, or face the cold wrath of the pouring showers in the enclosed cubicle and enjoy her breakfast fresh. “The shower it is.” She cursed, lazily she rose herself from the table and dragged herself up the stairs to her room, “And shower good!” her mother echoed the banging door indicating the approval. “What were you saying about leaves?” Elizabeth reminded, turning to her husband, Sam showed her the blue petals of the blue matra leaves, how the editor of the Explore Magazine emphasized on its rarity and fatal precaution, “We have to get these leaves.” She agreed. Thirty minutes later, Elizabeth on her side of the table on her seat, her cup filled with tea, steam zoning all over, she blew her tea calmly to reduce the heat that quickly warmed her hands and rising to burn her, “Mum I’m done.” She acclaimed. “Now that’s my daughter.” Elizabeth proudly commented, in casual mom blue jeans, a black tank top, and matching black sneakers Mary had freshened up for her date, “Drink this first.” Elizbeth ordered handing her a mag filled with a black liquid. “Really mother coffee, I said I’m fine. I feel fine.” She complained, “You do, then it won’t hurt drinking, will it?” her mother rhetorically asked. Familiar with her mother’s mind games, Mary raised the mug to her lips and sticking her tongue’s tip she tasted the surface before a slight sip, “Coffee mother!” she hissed, she raised her voice and it seemed to have angered her mother but fortunately Sam was there to once again change the subject. “How are you and Ricky doing?” he asked, setting his newspaper aside, Sam in his furry home coat pulled his seat close to the table as he grabbed the neck of his mug and took a sip, “We are fine.” Mary answered taking another sip of her coffee. “What’s weird is we haven’t talked much after the gala.” She highlighted, reaching for a doughnut with her right she took a sip of her mug, took a bite, and took another sip making that chewy sound her mother despised so much. “What is he ashamed or something?” Elizbeth rudely asked, willing to revive what was left of the gala drama their morning breakfast was the perfect start, “What your mother means is why are you not talking as much as you used to?” Sam corrected raising his mug preparing for anther sip. “Ever since mother embarrassed him he has been a little distant.” Mary implicated, Elizabeth feeling provoked let her side of her story, “How was I supposed to know that your mechanic boyfriend was related to the Masons.” She clicked harshly. “Well next time ask. For Christ’s sake mother accept this one decision in my life.” Mary retorted, already disappointed her morning happy mood was tarnished thanks to her mother so she decided to spend the rest in her car driving to her date. “By the way mother we have a date right now and if you think we are not serious,” she paused, “Watch me!” she finished dramatically. Made her statement clear, Elizabeth turned to her husband, Sam not ready to hear her wife’s side of the story and how she felt pushed his seat back and grabbed his coffee mug to finish it somewhere peaceful. “Aaaah!” she screamed, Elizbeth clutched her hair her nails digging her scalp, she was angry, stressed, worse was they were out of flour meaning no baking for her. Blue curtains, each table accommodative for four people, a bench like sofa was on each side, from each table was a foot distance separation, the door was the center of the building from the glass encased wall and on each side three tables. At the end of each table on the far end of the room from the entrance began another row, four tables extended but with a half foot separation, the last table on the left side of the room led to the kitchen while the one on the right led to the restrooms. The walls were painted on the variety fast foods they sold, hamburgers, hotdogs, sausages, chicken grill, the walls represented what was on the menu list. Opting for the last row on the right side from the entrance, in grey trousers, white sneakers and black round necked shirt Ricky sat there waiting, “One hamburger pleased.” He ordered. The waitress, dressed in the work attire, a white shirt, black trousers, a robe, and a hat with a big H on it, wrote down his order, “Just a moment sir.” She uttered heading for the counter. Passing the list to the man over the counter, the lad rushed to the kitchen and yelled, “A hamburger.”, seconds after his shout he walked out with a plate with a hamburger and some salad on the side. The waitress acknowledging the recipient of the order, raced the plate to the seated lad, “Anything else?” the waitress asked, “Not really but I will tell you if I need anything.” He ushered. Glaring at his watch, the short arm on the nine and the tall one on the ten, he counted the clicks the thin one consistently moved till eventually he lost count and rested his hand on the table. Confident in his hygiene and lazy to walk and wash his hands, Ricky placed his hands on the bun and closed his eyes, briefly he muttered some words and eventually Amen which was loud enough, with both hands he grasped the snack and pressing both buns he made his bite, fitting a chunk in his mouth. Pausing to chew and swallow the current in hand he placed the burger on the plate, looking at his watch again he wondered where she was a meat thread stuck between his molars. Irritated by the unpleasant itch between his back teeth, he thrust his thumb and index finger on the upper left side of his jaw, his eyes closed feeling the wavy curves of his teeth the saliva from his glands underneath his tongue rowed its way down the plate in drops. “Hi baby.” She greeted joyfully, wrapping her arms across his neck she planted her kiss on his lips while Ricky held her by the waist keeping her balance. “Really darling hamburger early in the morning.” She complained, “I didn’t have any breakfast.” He excused himself, “Well then let me give you a real breakfast. Waiter!” she called. Seated, Mary placed her purse beside her while she was opposite Ricky, she reached out her hands and grabbed Ricky’s pulling them to her bringing his body with it, she sniffed his clamped fingers before gently planting a kiss. “Yes um bring me some hot cocoa and three sausages.” She ordered, the waitress took note of the order and as usual she handed it to the tender over the counter who happened to be a different one, “So how have you been dear?” she asked. The dear addressed was confused he didn’t know where to begin, should he blame her for what her mother put him through or should he start by updating her on the current marriage he was coaxed into, either was a bad start. “You seem troubled what’s wrong?” Mary asked worriedly, she knew him long enough to notice his worries, that avoiding eye contact he always did, how he reduced his conversations to yes and no, how he glared on his food yet had no plans to eat it, she grabbed his hands again but this time she clipped her fingers in between his and pressed them together. “Talk to me please.” She begged, Mary had a serious relationship once and this was that relationship, it took years and she wanted to add the toll, so she looked into his eyes and there the lad broke. “Its my brothers.” He began, “What about them. Did they hurt you?” she panicked, “No its not that.” He calmed her. “Then what is it?” she asked anxiously, whenever his brothers were involved in a conversation it ended by her consoling him on her lap whispering gently, “It will be okay.”, as he broke down in tears. “Can I ask you something?” he posed, “Sure anything.” She encouraged, “Where do we think we are headed. As a couple?” he emphasized, Mary confused how his brothers and their relationship were connected gathered her thoughts before answering. “I think we are heading for a potential future maybe getting married and having a family.” She confidently opinioned, Ricky was in surprised in a brief second, he expected an answer but this wasn’t the exact he had in mind. “My brothers they think we should get married.” He remarked, Mary eventually making sense of the incomplete lines gave her side of the story, “Well my father thinks we should too. My mother will be hard but we can pull through and convince her.” She enlightened. He bowed, avoiding eye contact, he had said what he had to so his avoiding technique meant otherwise, he differed with his brothers, with her parents, with her hopes, he was elsewhere. “Ricky, look at me.” Mary said, reaching her hand on his chin he raised his head towards her, “What do you think about us?” she plainly addressed. Ricky hesitant gathered his idea choosing the clear and gentle words to phrase it, “I don’t know.” He uttered, “Ricky this is me and you we are talking about. You must have an opinion.” She insisted, again he gathered his thoughts and with a straight face looking in her eyes he said, “I don’t know.”. Mary was in a confused state, where did she lie, if they were to have a future they had to build it together and at this point her other half was still undecided, “Ricky, make up your mind. I love you and I want us to get married so tell me. Do you want that or not?” she firmly asked pulling her hands from him. He swallowed the bitter gulp, looked down on his burger and raised his head again, looked in her eyes and saw that little princess with a gentle fragile heart, he gathered the answer he could find fit. “I don’t know.” He muttered for the third time.Related Chapters
The Hated Millionaire Heir Georgez Bar
Wooden barrels filled with booze stationed one above the other each walled on the sides within the rectangle timber structure, open on the circular ends one faced the wall the other a cork plugged its hole on the free side. “Give me two Greshis.” The sheriff ordered, Braul also known within these parts as the sheriff, born elsewhere where they wore tight leggings with tall leather boots a metal extension on the heels, a hat with a nice stick like shape poking from the center, Braul settled on these parts of the country on a different continent from his. “We use these to round up those hot-headed bulls.” He praised, in his hand a rope, a thinner bleached like kind of rope, it was much lighter yet the strongest they could measure with, it had few crisps and a rough surface so its grip was assured while reducing needle like stabs. “In our parts every man who managed to cage those beasts of muscle had this scar as their medals to journey with their entire lives.” He claimed, pulling his s
The Hated Millionaire Heir First text
His profile picture a large M in Roman font, blue in color, she clicks the back arrow and down below his about, MASONS ENTERPRISE, again she scrolls down and views the block option, her finger louvers over for a second but scrolls back up eventually. In blue silk shirt, baggy light sweatpants, she cuddles her blanket close as she settles in for sleep. Her bed a six-by-six size, she was often a roller meaning where she slept wasn’t where she woke up, fortunately the bed was large enough and tonight she bodied herself at the center. Grabbing her pillow pulling it closer to her neck she rests her head as it sank, her white sheets were fresh from the laundry, her favorite brown blanket a big white teddy bear with black dots as eyes covered the center, she shivered her legs creating some slight heat before staring at her phone again. She turned to her left in a vertical figure her right shoulder facing the ceiling, her left hand shoved itself under her weight and clamped the motionless pho
The Hated Millionaire Heir What should I do?
It’s been a week since her sin was brought to the light, “Line busy, Ding!” again and again every time she called, she had come to her senses figured how disastrous her deeds were. That fateful day her hubby walked in on her ripping what they built in shreds, he kicked her out and left her stranded with no place to go, she hadn’t earned enough to sustain her accommodation in a lodge nor enough to sustain her feeding. “Can I come with you?” she begged, the young lad shook to the core was in relief he escaped with his life for most men went to the extreme of ending the lives of his kind, “I don’t think so! Your man kicked you out if you come with me he will kill me! No, I can’t I’m sorry.” He apologized. Was it the lad’s fault he was forced to save his skin and leave her out in the cold, “Hey open up! I helped you and now you leave me! I said open up!” she screamed, constantly she banged his car window begging him to take her along. “Don’t you leave! You b***h don’t you leave me!” she s
The Hated Millionaire Heir I’m sorry I can’t
Time had passed since the sisters were reunited, to catch up for the years of absentia for the other Angel pitched the idea Abigail joins her apartment, incapable of saying no simply because she too wanted the same Abigail moved in with her sister. “You still have your space and the top bunk is mine.” Becky teased, “Well I still have the keys and can take back my bunk when I return.” Abigail remarked, the two friends hugged as the taxi driver carried her bag and tucked in his boot, “Bye.” She bid, “Bye.” She responded waving as the cab drove away. “Morning.” She greeted, “Morning.” She answered, her cream mug was filled with black coffee she prepared, her fresh doughnuts were slowly hardening as they cooled, “Seven.” She whispered taking a sip of her coffee. Abigail had woken up late that morning while her sister was timely and eyes open at five, “You will be late.” Angel reminded her dazed twin. “Had a rough night I’m not sure I’ll make it.” Abigail complained, rubbing her hair Ab
The Hated Millionaire Heir Don’t lie
Her fingers thoroughly canvased her purse, she dipped in each pocket but still she couldn’t find them, “Where are those damn keys!” she cursed. After her meetup with Tony Abigail walked straight home thinking on whether she made the right call or not, however it was at the door did she realize she couldn’t find her keys. Normally the kyes were at the bottom of her purse after the tissues, napkins and other necessities, but today they weren’t there, desperate and stressed Abigail poured down the purse contents. She squatted with her legs closed and brushed over all her quantities, once, twice, she repeatedly brushed till she confronted the truth that she lost her keys. Affirmed of her suspicions she packed all that she poured back in and pulled out her phone, she went straight to her contacts and on the search bar she keyed the contact “Sis”, the named contact appeared which she clicked, she then placed the phone’s microphone piece on her ear as the call rang, rang, and rang.On the
The Hated Millionaire Heir Unexpected
Alarms echoed inside the server room, nose tearing rings blasted the walls forcing those inside to exit the building, “Call Sam ASAP!” Rocky ordered. Smoke brewed on the far west of the building, people were still running out coughing, their eyes red and tears flowing. “The fire is from the server room.” Rocky stated, his wrists clipped his waist his elbows poked out, he walked left and right two step and a turn, his worries were evident and reasonable. The fire had managed to spread across the whole basement and somehow to the ground floor, smoke rose from the elevator and filled the reception area. The beautiful inviting arena was now a scene of soot and toxins, “Mr. Sam we have a situation.” The secretary informed. On the other side of the phone Sam placed his newspaper on the table, he wore his glasses and worriedly he asked, “What happened?”, “Sir its best you see for yourself.” The voice imposed. “I’m on my way.” Sam remarked ending the call, “Honey we have to go.” He ushered
The Hated Millionaire Heir Unsettled
She watched as she disappeared within the crowd before she called her cab. “Where to Miss?” the cab driver asked, “Kang’s enterprise.” She informed, the driver keyed in the coordinates in the GPS screen on the dashboard and he drove off. It took about an hour before she was at her company’s premises, after paying the cab driver his needed amount she began the walk inside the building. As her flats traversed the ground floor she greeted the receptionist with a fake smile as she headed for the elevator. Patiently she waited for the elevator doors to open, she had a lovely time with her girl pal Angel but now she was left to ponder her greatest fear. “Ding!”, the elevator doors opened, she walked in and the reflective side by side walls mirrored her reflection, she brushed her purse higher before clicking her floor number. A minute or so later the elevator doors closed and up it went with her inside. Ten minutes elapsed and she was settled in her office, placing her purse on the far edg
The Hated Millionaire Heir Headlines
“Meeting starts in one hour.” She reminded her boss, Tony switched to his wrist watch and noted the current time, 9:30 a.m, he murmured. Pushing his laptop to the side he pulled the day’s newspaper underneath the pile of arranged documents, he paused to wrap the sleeves of his shirt nearing his elbows and leaned on the desk to read the headlines. SUDDEN CHAOS, the bold capitalized heading screamed, below was a picture of a building surrounded by ambulances and fire trucks, the walls were charred and glimpses of press caught in the act casting the news, sipping his mid-morning coffee he flipped to the next page. Tony hadn’t been on the loop for the past three days, he didn’t watch the news or enter into any social platform to know just what was on everybody’s lips, however, Tony wasn’t desperate to get slapped by this bombshell. “I like staying afloat. The less I know the simpler life gets.” He ushered his wisest words, living by his rule Tony shifted his eyes from the second page to
Latest Chapter
His eyes glimpsed and his lashes flashed as he woke up that early morning, “Its 6:30”, he whispered brushing his eyes with his palms. He scanned the master bedroom and stared at the hanging chandelier, he sighed out heavily and rose slightly leaning on the bed’s edge. Sam was discharged early the previous day and his wife happily brought him home where he has slept for the past twelve hours. The white thick sheets were cozy on his feet while his vest warmed his chest, his wife however, was fully tucked for she had much lighter clothing and was still asleep. Calmly he brushed the covers over to his wife and placed his legs on the tiled floor, he walked to the window and pulled the curtains open. The orange yellow horizon was magnificent and the artistic brushes of the clouds was a beauty, Sam opened the windows and the immediate smooth cold breeze kissed his face and the melodies of the birds perked on his garden trees echoed in his drums. Amidst his state he was unaware of the ambush
“Meeting starts in one hour.” She reminded her boss, Tony switched to his wrist watch and noted the current time, 9:30 a.m, he murmured. Pushing his laptop to the side he pulled the day’s newspaper underneath the pile of arranged documents, he paused to wrap the sleeves of his shirt nearing his elbows and leaned on the desk to read the headlines. SUDDEN CHAOS, the bold capitalized heading screamed, below was a picture of a building surrounded by ambulances and fire trucks, the walls were charred and glimpses of press caught in the act casting the news, sipping his mid-morning coffee he flipped to the next page. Tony hadn’t been on the loop for the past three days, he didn’t watch the news or enter into any social platform to know just what was on everybody’s lips, however, Tony wasn’t desperate to get slapped by this bombshell. “I like staying afloat. The less I know the simpler life gets.” He ushered his wisest words, living by his rule Tony shifted his eyes from the second page to
She watched as she disappeared within the crowd before she called her cab. “Where to Miss?” the cab driver asked, “Kang’s enterprise.” She informed, the driver keyed in the coordinates in the GPS screen on the dashboard and he drove off. It took about an hour before she was at her company’s premises, after paying the cab driver his needed amount she began the walk inside the building. As her flats traversed the ground floor she greeted the receptionist with a fake smile as she headed for the elevator. Patiently she waited for the elevator doors to open, she had a lovely time with her girl pal Angel but now she was left to ponder her greatest fear. “Ding!”, the elevator doors opened, she walked in and the reflective side by side walls mirrored her reflection, she brushed her purse higher before clicking her floor number. A minute or so later the elevator doors closed and up it went with her inside. Ten minutes elapsed and she was settled in her office, placing her purse on the far edg
Alarms echoed inside the server room, nose tearing rings blasted the walls forcing those inside to exit the building, “Call Sam ASAP!” Rocky ordered. Smoke brewed on the far west of the building, people were still running out coughing, their eyes red and tears flowing. “The fire is from the server room.” Rocky stated, his wrists clipped his waist his elbows poked out, he walked left and right two step and a turn, his worries were evident and reasonable. The fire had managed to spread across the whole basement and somehow to the ground floor, smoke rose from the elevator and filled the reception area. The beautiful inviting arena was now a scene of soot and toxins, “Mr. Sam we have a situation.” The secretary informed. On the other side of the phone Sam placed his newspaper on the table, he wore his glasses and worriedly he asked, “What happened?”, “Sir its best you see for yourself.” The voice imposed. “I’m on my way.” Sam remarked ending the call, “Honey we have to go.” He ushered
Don’t lie
Her fingers thoroughly canvased her purse, she dipped in each pocket but still she couldn’t find them, “Where are those damn keys!” she cursed. After her meetup with Tony Abigail walked straight home thinking on whether she made the right call or not, however it was at the door did she realize she couldn’t find her keys. Normally the kyes were at the bottom of her purse after the tissues, napkins and other necessities, but today they weren’t there, desperate and stressed Abigail poured down the purse contents. She squatted with her legs closed and brushed over all her quantities, once, twice, she repeatedly brushed till she confronted the truth that she lost her keys. Affirmed of her suspicions she packed all that she poured back in and pulled out her phone, she went straight to her contacts and on the search bar she keyed the contact “Sis”, the named contact appeared which she clicked, she then placed the phone’s microphone piece on her ear as the call rang, rang, and rang.On the
I’m sorry I can’t
Time had passed since the sisters were reunited, to catch up for the years of absentia for the other Angel pitched the idea Abigail joins her apartment, incapable of saying no simply because she too wanted the same Abigail moved in with her sister. “You still have your space and the top bunk is mine.” Becky teased, “Well I still have the keys and can take back my bunk when I return.” Abigail remarked, the two friends hugged as the taxi driver carried her bag and tucked in his boot, “Bye.” She bid, “Bye.” She responded waving as the cab drove away. “Morning.” She greeted, “Morning.” She answered, her cream mug was filled with black coffee she prepared, her fresh doughnuts were slowly hardening as they cooled, “Seven.” She whispered taking a sip of her coffee. Abigail had woken up late that morning while her sister was timely and eyes open at five, “You will be late.” Angel reminded her dazed twin. “Had a rough night I’m not sure I’ll make it.” Abigail complained, rubbing her hair Ab
What should I do?
It’s been a week since her sin was brought to the light, “Line busy, Ding!” again and again every time she called, she had come to her senses figured how disastrous her deeds were. That fateful day her hubby walked in on her ripping what they built in shreds, he kicked her out and left her stranded with no place to go, she hadn’t earned enough to sustain her accommodation in a lodge nor enough to sustain her feeding. “Can I come with you?” she begged, the young lad shook to the core was in relief he escaped with his life for most men went to the extreme of ending the lives of his kind, “I don’t think so! Your man kicked you out if you come with me he will kill me! No, I can’t I’m sorry.” He apologized. Was it the lad’s fault he was forced to save his skin and leave her out in the cold, “Hey open up! I helped you and now you leave me! I said open up!” she screamed, constantly she banged his car window begging him to take her along. “Don’t you leave! You b***h don’t you leave me!” she s
First text
His profile picture a large M in Roman font, blue in color, she clicks the back arrow and down below his about, MASONS ENTERPRISE, again she scrolls down and views the block option, her finger louvers over for a second but scrolls back up eventually. In blue silk shirt, baggy light sweatpants, she cuddles her blanket close as she settles in for sleep. Her bed a six-by-six size, she was often a roller meaning where she slept wasn’t where she woke up, fortunately the bed was large enough and tonight she bodied herself at the center. Grabbing her pillow pulling it closer to her neck she rests her head as it sank, her white sheets were fresh from the laundry, her favorite brown blanket a big white teddy bear with black dots as eyes covered the center, she shivered her legs creating some slight heat before staring at her phone again. She turned to her left in a vertical figure her right shoulder facing the ceiling, her left hand shoved itself under her weight and clamped the motionless pho
Georgez Bar
Wooden barrels filled with booze stationed one above the other each walled on the sides within the rectangle timber structure, open on the circular ends one faced the wall the other a cork plugged its hole on the free side. “Give me two Greshis.” The sheriff ordered, Braul also known within these parts as the sheriff, born elsewhere where they wore tight leggings with tall leather boots a metal extension on the heels, a hat with a nice stick like shape poking from the center, Braul settled on these parts of the country on a different continent from his. “We use these to round up those hot-headed bulls.” He praised, in his hand a rope, a thinner bleached like kind of rope, it was much lighter yet the strongest they could measure with, it had few crisps and a rough surface so its grip was assured while reducing needle like stabs. “In our parts every man who managed to cage those beasts of muscle had this scar as their medals to journey with their entire lives.” He claimed, pulling his s