Chapter 11: Leverage

Jackson was in deep thought after Mr Weston had left his office. Should he care that he was going to get kicked out of the company? What would happen then, would he lose everything, or would he be allowed to keep the Starkwood’s fortune?

He had only been Blake Starkwood for more than a month, he hadn’t truly experienced what it could do for him. If he was no longer the CEO, would that squash his dreams or would it not matter at all?.

While he was deep in thought unbeknownst to him Rebecca had heard the entire conversation with him and Mr Weston. She heard Mr. Weston trying to persuade him to give control over the company, Jackson laughing at him, and Mr Weston declaring to take his job as the CEO.

It was both entertaining and surprising to Rebecca. She initially thought Jackson was playing hard to get about the deal Mr Weston had brought him but that didn’t seem to be the case.

“Wow, not how I expected the meeting to go, I’m glad I listened in”, Rebecca said. It seemed like Jackson
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