Chapter 3: The New Heir

Going into the mansion there were servants waiting to greet Jackson or to be more precise Blake Starkwood. Cooks, maids, cleaners they all slightly bowed. Huh well, I don't hate this, Jackson thought with a grin on his face. 

Walking beside him was Adrian. You're doing good so far avoid talking with them too much for now insults will do, Adrian said whispering in his ear. Jackson nodded slowly still not fully into the acting, just because some people had more money than others doesn't mean they should be treated like trash. 

Hey  Adrian If I'm such a brat to everyone why do you care about me so much? Jackson asked.  Adrian remained quiet for a while. Well, I've become quite attached to you young master you might even say I need you, Adrian said with a smirk on his face.

Jackson saw that but kept walking. Adrian had directed him to Blake's room, truth be told he didn't need any directions. He had spent quite a lot of time in this room not sleeping in it, just cleaning it every day for years.  Get some rest if you wish to move to the master bedroom. I advice doing it after your parents' funeral, Adrian said, leaving Jackson alone.

So far so good, I haven't been caught yet but I have not much either Baby Steps, Jackson thought. 

Looking at the bedroom there was the same massive bed, a television as big a the wall but was paper thin, a game console under it with a stack of games that could fill up an entire book shelf, a jacuzzi where would usually celebrate with his friends and gold diggers  he would bring home, a row on musical instruments hung on the wall although Jackson never saw Blake play, posters of models also as big as the wall hung on the walls.

Well, this must be good karma. I spent so much time cleaning every corner of this room and now it's finally mine, Jackson thought. He first went to the TV to play some games, he never had the money to buy them in his youth. They were quite expensive but now he could play them to his heart's content. 

He turned it on then suddenly the TV turned on and the room got dim. It was a pleasant setting, playing video games for hours without paying attention to the time.

The door of the room suddenly opened.  Young masters are…., Adrian said seeing Jackson playing games on the screen sitting on a gaming chair. Oh  Adrian I didn't hear you come in, Jackson said as he turned to look at him. You were supposed to be resting, please don't tell me you spent all the time playing games. It's past Midnight and the Funeral is tomorrow, Adrian said. 

Jackson scratched his head in embarrassment. Well from what you've told me about myself this is hardly the first time I've stayed up late so this would be normal behavior for me, Jackson said. Be that as it may, I expected an exception for tonight considering your parents' funeral is tomorrow but since you don't remember them  I suppose it doesn't matter much to you.

Jackson felt a little guilty not because he cared about the Starkwood funeral but because of Adrian, the way he spoke about them, and how he talked to Jackson thinking he was Blake, it seemed he really cared about the family. 

He was going through a big loss and Jackson wasn't making it any easier with his attitude.

“I’m sorry Adrian, I’ll get some rest right now”, Jackson said. He turned off the TV and went to bed. “Well since you're already up, I wanted to discuss some things about the funeral tomorrow, particularly those who will arrive”, Adrian said

Jackson stopped his tracks to the bed which was kind of a disappointment he had never laid on it, he never dared to before.

“As I've told you before the death of your parents is international news, most thought you had died as well. There will be competitors, company workers and reporters attending. 

As for family you have none, your father's long dead and so is your mother's. That just leaves you the sole heir that would be attending”, Adrian said.

“Your friends will also be in attendance, you were close. It might be a good idea to be seen with them but due to your memory loss, you have to be careful with what you say. I know I said you were close with them but Honestly, I don't trust them one bit, they come from the family of your competitors and might try to find anything on you to get an advantage of your tragedy”, Adrian said

Jackson knew of the ‘friends’ Adrian spoke about and he hated them all as much as Blake. Anytime they got together and he happened to be in the vicinity they would try to make his life a living hell. He'd like to avoid them at all costs if possible, not everyone stayed friends forever after all.

“As for the reporters I have prepared a speech for you to say please rehearse It and try to seem sad when saying it”, Adrian said while handing him a piece of paper.

Jackson took the paper and read it. It was well written, definitely something someone you just lost their parents would say, the problem was how he was going to say it while seeming sad about the whole situation he would have to practice.

“And as for what you'll wear I know I've told you that you love wearing the color blue but for the funeral, you'll have to wear black of course”, Adrian said. 

He went to the closet, the very long wide closet and opened it revealing lines of clothes for too many and extravagant for one person and brought out a black suit. Not just any suit, it was a suit made by the Sparda brand, something only the rich could afford. 

“Now I believe that's everything for now get some sleep, If you have some questions or need anything at all call for me on the house phone”, Adrian said leaving Jackson once more.

He got on the bed and it was the most comfortable thing he had ever gotten on. It was like a cloud and he was sinking into it deeper and deeper, he quickly fell asleep.

The next day had come and Jackson was in a limo with Adrian. It has a TV, a hot tub, and expensive leather and it was quite spacious. “Shall we go over the plan once more?”, Adrian asked 

“When I leave the limo, there will be reporters and paparazzi waiting I will keep walking not paying attention to them. Competitors will come offering their condolences. I will shake their hands and thank them for not doing anything else. I will address the company workers who arrived and thank them for coming and finally I will give my speech to the reporters expressing my sadness and then announce I will be taking over the company after the funeral”, Jackson said.

“Good, I know you don't remember them and this must be confusing for you but try as hard as you can to seem deeply sad. It will sell the act so much that people won't care that you are acting strangely. It will sell the act”, Adrian said.

“I’ll do my best”, Jackson said, giving a weak smile. 

“We have arrived”, the driver said. 

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