Chapter 8: I Spent How much?

Entering the club it was illuminated with several different colors of light flashing and spiraling around everywhere. There was music playing quite loudly so much that Jackson couldn’t hear his own thoughts If I didn’t try hard enough. It was also filled with people, not just more men than women, and the women were quite a sight.

 If Jackson had to guess none were above thirty and were all fit and good-looking. The same couldn’t be said for the men though, from young adults to those who looked to be in their mid-thirties was there. There must be certain criteria for people who can enter here I wonder which one I fall under rich or young. Probably both ’. Walking around he wondered what to do,  dance if he did who would he dance with himself? That would just be Awkward.

Suddenly he felt a hand touching his shoulder. “You made it bro so glad you could come”,  looking behind him which was where he came from he saw the one who was touching his soldier was Brian Weston. ‘No no no. What is he doing here?’, Jackson thought. But thinking about the question Jackson realized it was a foolish one. He had driven Blake, him and the rest of his friends more than once so of course there was a possibility that Brian would be here. Jackson was beginning to regret his decision of choosing this club to have some fun.

“The rest of the guys are upstairs, come on”, Brian said. He left expecting Jackson to follow him but he didn’t, noticing this he turned back looking at Jackson who he thought was Blake. “What’s wrong?”, Brian asked. Jackson wasn’t sure what to do, should he follow him that’s what the real Blake would do or should he just stay where he was, he had already decided he didn’t want anything to do with Blake’s friends.

“If this is what you said during your parents’ funeral I’m over it. You were under a lot of stress. I get that. So are you still coming?”, Brain asked. After hearing this Jackson took a deep breath and decided to follow Brian he let him know by giving him a slight nod. He followed him to a staircase at the top of it there was a huge balcony viewing the rest of those in the club below.

In an area of the balcony, there was a large space secluded from the rest with red lines and a golden stand that said VIPs only. Entering the VIP area Jackson saw two of Blake’s other friends one was Jeremy Stansfield a young man with brunette hair about 1.7 meters and the other was Cole Jenkins had dark hair like Brian but instead of being short was in a bulb haircut, was about 1.8m.  As they saw Jackson they both held a bottle of champagne in the air as if they were soldiers saluting to their general.

 “Well, well look who came back from the dead, you had us worried for a second”, Jeremy said. “I bet he’s just been avoiding us, I can’t believe it took you this long to be sick of us I thought it would’ve been years ago”, Cole said jokingly.

“Guys cut him some slack he just lost his parents ', Brian said sitting down on one of the couches in the VIP area, Jackson did the same thing. “Sure sorry about that. But it’s a good thing you’re here we can’t get properly drunk without you”, Cole said. As he did he poured some champagne in a glass and handed it to Jackson.

 Jackson took it and gulped it down in one go. It was good, really good. “Hey you’re awfully quiet you haven’t even insulted one of us and it’s been five minutes, what’s up”, Brian said. Jackson knew what Brian meant, Blake and his friends would goof around, sometimes that involved throwing friendly insults at each other although ‘friendly’ might just be a cover-up word. Jackson suspected that the insults they gave each other were what they really thought of each other and they’d just laugh it off like it was a joke. Honestly, Jackson didn’t understand that kind of friendship, it seemed toxic to him.

‘Okay I spent a lot of time with Blake and the rest of these assholes I can do this’, Jackson thought. “Yeah it’s just been a tough couple of days, my folks are gone and now I have to do all this company shit  I don’t understand. It’s so frustrating and by the way, Cole the champagne tastes like piss”, Jackson said. “So?  I didn’t make the Brandy”, Cole said. “You ordered it and poured it for me, you have shitty taste my friend”, Jackson. There was silence for a few moments then they all burst into laughter.

 “Now there’s the Blake we know and love”, Brian said. “Speaking of company shit my Dad told me he gave you an amazing deal.”

“Why didn’t you take it?” Jackson said nothing, he took another bottle of champagne and began drinking it from its mouth; he didn't bother using a glass. “It’s my company. I can do whatever I want with it, I’m not giving it to anyone, including your failure of a father” Jackson said. This caused silence from the rest of the group. All that could be heard was loud music playing from the club. It was hard to read the facial expression on Brian’s face. It seemed stoic in a way showing no emotion but that could’ve been due to the different colors of light dancing all around them.

‘Did I go too far? I probably did but who cares? I’ve wanted to say something similar to him for a long time now and what’s he gonna do about it? He wouldn’t dare upset his “dear friend” Blake. He still needs me’ Jackson thought

“Hey hey, this is no place to talk business gentleman. This is a place to get properly wasted and get a few babes home with us so knock it off will ya” Cole said obviously trying to diffuse the tense situation.

“You’re right It’s my fault for bringing it up,” Brian said. “And speaking of babes”. A group of four women were seen waiting outside the VIP area. They were let in by Brian they all looked perfectly fit. Each one of them sat beside Jackson and Blake's friend holding champagne in their hands.

The one who sat next to Jackson wore a red tight dress and had long black hair and dark eyes. Not Jackson’s type of he was truly being honest to himself but he couldn’t deny that she looked gorgeous. 

She grabbed Jackson’s shoulder, placed it on her chest, and stared into his eyes. She gave him a seductive look that he couldn’t look away from. “Hello handsome are you having fun tonight? If not, I think I can help with that,” the black-haired woman said.

She poured the champagne into a glass and held it up to Jackson. “What’s taking you so long?” Jeremy asked. “As Cole said, let's get properly drunk”. Jackosn looked at the drink and the gorgeous girl once more.

“Sure why not,” Jackson said. “He took the drink and gulped it down”. After that, everything became quite a blur for Jackson. There was loud laughter from him and the rest of the group, the music was louder than ever, and the color lights illuminated and danced around the entire club. 

He felt dizzy and weak like the earth’s gravity became ten times stronger. He was dancing or at least he thinks he was dancing at the club with the black haired girl. He was in a car, but not his car. 

Then he was in a room he wasn’t sure how he got there. “Ah, My head it feels like a thousand needles are stabbing it,” Jackosn said “Where am I?” He looked around his surroundings “I’m home?” A strange word for where he was. Who would have thought he would ever call the Starkwood’s Mansion home? 

Yes, he had lived there for quite a while before he had Blake’s face but it never felt like home. It felt like hell with no escape.  He heard a few groans on his left and saw the black-haired girl from the club.

She was sleeping peacefully, covered in the sheets. It looked like she wasn’t wearing anything underneath.  The same for Jackson as the sheets were covering him from his waist below.

“Holy Crap I slept with a beautiful girl like her and I don't even remember it. Damn Alcohol” Jackson said as he punched the mattress in Anger. Moments later the door was opened and walking through it was Adrian.

He seemed to be carrying a tray of food and a glass containing some sort of drink. “Good Morning Young Master, It’s nice to see you returning to your usual habits,” Adrian said.

Hearing those words Jackson felt some kind of annoyance. Was he really acting like Blake? ‘Let’s see having a drunken night at the club, bringing home a bimbo without having any recollection of how we got back here or what we did. Yeah that sounds like Blake,’ Jackon thought

Placing the tray on the bed, Jackson could see it was some kind of egg dish with orange juice. He started eating it.

“Don’t worry about our guest, I'll make sure she’s long gone before the time you get back. A lot of them can be quite clingy,” Adrian said looking at the girl who was still asleep.

“Sure,” Jackson said with a bit of worry and confusion on how Adrian planned on getting rid of her. Jackson felt dirty thinking of how much his attitude resembled that of Blake.

Sure he went to a club to experience some fun. But he didn’t plan on getting drunk and having a one-night stand he didn’t remember. He wasn’t that type of person, at least he hoped he wasn’t.

“Young Master there is something else I would like to bring to your attention,” Adrian said. “What’s that?” Jackson asked with food still in his mouth. “It’s about what you spent last night. It was quite hefty,” Adrian said. 

Jackson stopped eating as soon as Adrian spoke those words. ‘Damn. I didn’t even think about that. I didn’t spend too much did I? Jackson thought.  “I’ll bring you the receipt,” Adrain said. He left Jackson in the room to continue his breakfast which Jackson did.

Moments later Adrian returned with a piece of paper. ‘Well he doesn’t look too displeased so it can’t be that bad’ Jackson thought.  Taking the piece of paper from Adian, Jackson looked at its contents.

He immediately began choking on his food. “Young master are you all right?” Adrian asked, rushing to Jackson’s side and patting his back. “This .. This is a joke, right? You’re pulling one over me right?” Jackson asked with a smile.

“I assure you that the amount is quite real. I might be able to joke about some things but I never joke about money” Adrian replied. “But that’s insane!” Jackson exclaimed.

“Are you telling me that I Spent Ten million dollars at the club last night? ”

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