Chapter 123

“Abigail, contact Richard concerning the funds he invested. Let him know that we are aware they were fake,” Sebastian instructed.

Abigail nodded and dialed Richard’s number again, her hand trembling slightly. The phone rang once, twice, then Richard’s voice came on the line.

“Mr. Armitage, this is Abigail Nelson from Prime Enterprises.” She began, her tone steady but firm. “We’ve conducted a thorough investigation and discovered that the investment you made was fake. We need to discuss this immediately.”

There was a brief silence on the other end of the line before Richard responded, his voice filled with indignation. “How dare you accuse me of such a thing? My investment was legitimate, and I have the documentation to prove it. If you continue to slander my name, I will have the President of Prime Enterprises arrested for defamation.”

Abigail’s heart pounded as she listened to Richard’s threats. She knew they were treading dangerous waters, but the truth needed to be exposed. She end
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