Chapter 61

“Yes, I know all these.” Sebatian said, still maintaining his smile. “As a matter of fact, I have been following up every single thing that has been going on in the company.”

“So can you explain to us what changes you are willing to make?” Senior Nike, who was speechless for a while, asked.

The office became silent immediately Senior Nike asked Sebatian the question. Although they were in disagreement, they still were curious to know what changes Sebastian is ready to make in the company.

Sebatian then looked at Abigail, giving her back the file, he signaled her to bring out the document, and read aloud the changes that were written in it.

After some minute of whispering between William Prime and Abigail, she then raised her head to read. “According to what is in here, the first change to be made is the name of the Nike company. The company will not from today carry the name Nike anymore, it will be ca…”

“What nonsense is this!”

Senior Nike opposed immediately, he interrupted Abigail
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