Chapter 67

“That is a device for recording.” Cindy said infuriatingly.

“A recording device?” She asked yet again. “Oh, I did not know it was. It is looking so nice, can I have it when we are done executing the plan?”

“It's fine, you can.” Senior Nike said.

A recorder? That was the least of their worries, she could have it all for herself as long as she plays her part well enough without any fault.

While the discussion was still on, a message came into Romy's phone. It was the market report, the report stated how high the profit of the company has increased. What an increase in a very short period of time.

“Grandpa, the market report. There is yet another increase in the company's profit!” He said, smiling happily.

Senior Nike stood up and was about to limp for joy, only to find himself back on his seat, sad and frowning. The thought of the fact that Sebastian now owns ninety percent of everything they earned, makes him unhappy.

His facial expression was noticeable by Romy who made the announceme
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