back not to run

"When will you come back Shasa?" Ben asked the question Shasa didn't want to hear the most.

“Ben, you know that I came here wanting to be independent. Not dad, not you, none of you can persuade me to come home!” said Shasa.

Ben raised an eyebrow. "Even if it's Ken's wedding."

"What?" shasa and Emily were surprised at the same time. Emily had not been told by Ben, naturally the woman was very surprised. Ben smiled a little. He gave baby Shasa to Emily then Ben pulled out his cell phone. The man showed Ken's message to the two women who were there.

“Oh! I can't believe this,” Shasa hissed.

"Nobody else believed either. I'm sure there was a huge commotion at home. How about Shasa, are you still not willing to come back with an excuse like this little girl?” persuaded Ben to his sister. Emily chuckled lightly at the man's behavior. Ben always doesn't miss any chance. She understood now she had always been submissive to that boy all along. Ben's seduction is very, very scary.


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