Chapter 9
Chase felt like a kid in Christmas as he boarded the bus, making a mental note to stop by the café on his way back from work to properly thank Mia for her help the other day. The black eye he suffered from the hands of Huncho had almost completely cleared off by now and he was very grateful he didn't have to go in for his first day at work looking like a hoodlum.

He stood in the bus, a grin plastered on his face. He didn't even know why he was so happy but he believed it had to do with the fact that he was picked for the job instead of the other brazen men.

A couple of high-schoolers snickered and pointed at his ratty shoes but he paid them no mind. He wasn't going to let anything dampen his mood.

He had brought out the best pair of white shirt he could find in Theo's wardrobe and after ironing it out for what felt like hours, it finally looked wearable. He paired it with a black slack that had more holes that a basket. It was either that or a pair of ratty jeans.

He stood outside

Hi readers, I'm going to be using "Chase" and "Theo" interchangeably so anywhere you see it, please it's not a mistake. They are the same person now. Lol.

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