Maks immediately ordered Bernard and Bernard's confidants to help him find Siena. Maks was very worried about Siena.

After several hours of waiting for Bernard to get information, Bernard finally came before Maks and told him the chronology and where Siena had gone,

"Sir, I got information through the CCTV around Kev's house that we have checked, that miss Siena was kidnapped by a man who wore a mask on his face. he took miss Siena to get into a black sedan car and then took her away." Bernard explained in detail. Maks was so shocked that he stood up and gaped.

"Did you see what their license plate number was? Maks asked. Because, it could be used as a clue to track their current whereabouts.

Bernard nodded. "That's right, sir. We've also tracked them down. Miss Siena has been taken to an area quite far from here. It's about an hour away."

"Let's go there now! Don't forget to prepare your rifles and other weapons! I'll kill them if they dare to hurt my wife!" Maks ordered Bernard. Sin
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