The room was dimly lit, casting long shadows that made it feel as if the very air held tension. Mr. Smith was growing visibly frustrated. He had gathered his most trusted henchmen, essential pieces in the dangerous game they played, when their call seemed to take forever, it made him very uncomfortable.

The leader of this tough gang, with a face showing deep frustration, allowed his annoyance to fill the room.

He kept walking back and forth, his impatience was clear from his restless movements, and his fingers drummed on the table. He said, "fuck! How could we have lost him." His voice was full of irritation and pain.

As he voiced his disappointment, his gang members exchanged worried glances, sharing the unease their leader felt.

They weren't used to failing, and their mission was so close to being successful. They started to talk about how they had almost captured Ryan, the person they were after. Their initial confidence had now faded due to the strange turn of events.

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