Chapter 10
Evelyn came in the morning and made a fuss when Catherine had just closed her eyes, carrying a paper leaflet she had gotten from her roommate who had just returned from out of town. This is not an ordinary paper leaflet, Evelyn believes Catherine will be happy to accept the paper. Catherine was trying to gather her consciousness as Evelyn babbled nonstop right in front of her face, she took the paper in Evelyn's hand so that this girl could stop nagging.

"Thank you Eve! this is what I need!" Catherine cried immediately rushed to take a bath and dress up as beautiful as possible.

"Cathy, wait! take this," Evelyn gave a pair of beautiful shoes for Catherine to wear, it just so happened that Catherine's shoes were not so comfortable to wear.

"Oh, thank you Evelyn! You are indeed my best friend." Catherine hugged Evelyn tightly until she was out of breath, after being satisfied with pranking Evelyn, Catherine immediately left to pursue her luck.

Catherine arrived at the place that
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