Divine healing

The gate opened in the streets of Seoul as Logan stepped out of the portal.

"It's so good to be back," Logan said, breathing in the air. Then he frowned. "Something feels off. The air smells a bit crisp."

Logan navigated his way through the busy side walk. "I hope I wasn't gone too long?"

Suddenly, he stopped walking as he stood before a newspaper vendor. Something caught his eyes. It was the headline on the front page.

Written in bold letters, Logan read out loud. "Taeyang family faces financial crises as Kim Taeyang battles illness?"

Logan grabbed a copy and quickly skimmed through the article, his heart pounding.

From Logan's finding, it was revealed that Kim Taeyang suddenly fell ill.

Being the family's patriarch, his deteriorating health led to instability within the family businesses.

The Taeyang conglomerate future now hangs in the balance as the Taeyang sisters and their few investors struggled to keep the company afloat.

Logan's hands were shaking as he realized all the
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