
Logan emerged unscathed from the explosion, the shockwave rolling over him without leaving a mark.

As the debris settled, he stood up, dusting off his suit with a calm expression.

He strolled through the wreckage, his eyes scanning the room while his brain worked.

It was clearly possible that someone had set up the bomb with the right timing.

Their intentions were to kill him while everyone is out of the meeting hall.

"Thank you FRIDAY," Logan said genuinely. "This system has done nothing but protect me from disastrous situations."

Suddenly, the door was kicked open, and a group of servants rushed in with gas masks and fire extinguishers.

They were prepared to rescue Logan, but as the smoke cleared, their eyes widened in shock and disbelief.

"Boss! Are you okay?" one of them stammered, his jaws dropping as he took in the scene of Logan standing unharmed amidst the destruction.

Before Logan could respond, Umberto and the other pillars of the Rossi clan bursting into the room.

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