Starlight Central Academy was an elite institution that stood at the heart of the education sector of the entire city of Starlight Bay. Churning out even more revenue than was poured into it every year, the establishment had proven to be a pillar in the inner workings of the city. With such a high reputation to its name, it was little wonder that a good percentage of the student populace was comprised of the spawn of the beau monde of the society.
But that was the thing about latter generation noblesse: they were far more prone to carelessness. No society was without its dark side however. There were various less than appropriate establishments that attended to the baser desires of the student body. Of course these establishments were kept afloat solely by the multitude of backroom deals that went on in the shadows. In one of these numerous establishments, a wild rave continued to rock the walls of the night club to its foundations. Within the building, a flurry of multicolored party lights from several disco balls hanging from the ceiling. Music blasted out at insane levels that remained ignored the dozens of young adults, in favor of partying as hard as they could before the midterms began in the coming weeks.A young man with stylish swept back black hair sauntered over to the large counter at one corner where a well built dark skinned man was throwing together several alcoholics to create a cocktail. Most likely for the blonde girl sitting at the bar across the bartender. The young man slid into the seat beside the girl with practiced ease and so began the age old dance of back and forth flirting. Whether the alcohol played a part on lowering her inhibitions, or it simply dulled her senses to the point where she missed the flash of red that crossed the young man's eyes during their conversation, the dance ended in favor of the young man.
By the time Rick was leading the blonde out of the booming club, she was already too stoned to even walk on her own properly. As much as he would have liked to say that his natural charms had once again performed admirably, Rick knew that was not the case. The alcohol had certainly helped though. It was infinitely more simple to hypnotize an intoxicated human whose mind was already viable to suggestions. Being a vampire definitely had its perks. He spared the girl hanging off his arm another glance and sighed inwardly. Her name, she had said, was Elaine and she was in the Arts Department. With her delicate features, even Rick would admit that she was definitely a stunner. It was unfortunate that he had very little interest in her beyond what he required from her at the moment. The laws guiding the Peace Program that had been enacted by the three main supernatural factions, The Holy Church, The Arcane Circle and The Vampire Council, specifically forbade intentional harm of mundane humans by any of the participants of the exercise. The Hunters themselves had been very clear about their intent to fully exercise their...disciplinary rights should anyone break these laws. But as vampires undeniably required a steady consumption of blood to live, they had been given some leeway in their activities. However several limits had been imposed on these permissions. For starters, they were not allowed to completely drain their target, to the point of putting the latter's health at risk. Neither were they allowed to turn a human except in severe emergency cases. It was already a given that hypnosis be used to ensure the human would never remember what had happened in order to keep the supernatural world secret.Rick and his 'date' soon arrived at his destination, an abandoned alley that led around the club district to just before the rest of the school. This was Rick's favored feeding ground, as he would be able to place his incapacitated victims in a position where it would be easier for them to return to the school when they regained themselves. This was not done out of any misplaced sense of honor though. He just did not want the Hunters gunning for him because of a stupid mistake.
After lugging the half conscious lady into the darkness of the alley, Rick propped her up against a nearby wall and moved her hair over one shoulder to expose her supple neck. Eyes turned crimson and fangs elongated as Rick leaned down, only to stop several centimeters from her skin as his eyes focused on the strange figure standing ahead of them in the alley. As a vampire, Rick's senses were evolved to attain very high extremes, and yet he had been unable to sense whoever this newcomer was until they were a mere dozen feet away. That meant something was definitely not right. He placed Elaine to lean on the lower part of the wall and turned to face the figure properly. The figure's features were indistinguishable as they were backdropped by the well lit street at the mouth of the alley. Though that should not have mattered, considering vampires could see clear as day at night, but for some unknown reason, Rick could not even make out a single feature from the figure. It was obviously a male from the way it stood and when it began to approach Rick, he noticed that its gait was measured and precise with practically zero wasted movements. Whoever this was, he was definitely a well trained fighter. Seeing as this person had known to come here directly probably too confront Rick before he could feed, it was safe to assume that this individual knew of the supernatural. So Rick tried a classic intimidation move to throw the figure off balance. "The hell do you want here?" He snapped harshly, his laser pointer-like eyes focused on the figure. When the figure ignored him completely, Rick growled in annoyance and began walking towards the figure. "Listen here buster, if you ever want to..."Right before Rick's left foot could touch the ground for the third time, the figure disappeared and Rick suddenly felt unbalanced. It was only after he had stumbled over to a wall that he realized why he had been so unsteady. His entire right arm, from the shoulder downward was missing, leaving a clean cut that immediately began to spew blood furiously. Then the pain hit.
Rick fell on his knees and screamed in agony as his left hand hovered tentatively around the bloody stump on the other side of his torso. His red eyes rose and he saw the figure now standing right in front of him, Rick's severed arm lying only a few meters away. Before he could even comprehend how fast the figure had been that even he a vampire had not been able to see him, Rick saw the long single edged sword that still dripped blood in the figure's hand, something that he was sure as hell the figure had not had earlier. An immense sense of foreboding crashed down on Rick and he glanced up, just in time to see the blade slicing down at his head. "No, wait—" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'Fall had come early this year' Michael thought as he looked down from the branch of the tree he had been sitting on for the past two hours or so. The great oak was like the other trees around that had begun shedding their leaves right at the beginning of August. Now it was September, and Michael noticed that the ninth month of the year had come with a special kind of fever among the students and staff of Starlight Central Academy. And if the colorful banners and signs strung up all over campus weren't enough to clue in on what was happening, then the occasional jock dressed in bright blue and silver whooping the school mantra every twenty five minutes in the school hallways would be more than enough. Football season had begun and it had hit Starlight Central Academy hard.
Michael could frankly say he never really understood the appeal of the sport. Not that he was not able to comprehend the game's nature, but it was more like he could not relate with the excitement it incited in the fans. Then again with how long lived he was, there was no way he could be on the same emotional spectrum as normal humans who were destined to only live up to just over a century at best. Such was the curse of creatures like him, he supposed. Still he wasn't going to judge. To each his own and all that. As midterms were still over a month away, everyone had both the time and the peace of mind to fully throw themselves into the fervor that the coming games incited. Well, at least that was for the normal students. After the events of the last month, the supernatural members of the academy had reveled in the normality of everyday college life, which pretty much translated to night-long parties, alcohol and a whole lot of typical hormone induced debauchery. To Michael's admittedly pleasant surprise, even the Hunters found themselves settling quite easily among the others. The fear was still present of course, albeit reduced slightly. The actions of the werewolf pack during the skinwalker crisis had definitely served to dull the tension and apprehension held against them. Jade had made good on her initial intentions from the moment she had stepped foot in the academy much to her pack leader's dismay, and had already gone through three different relationships in the past month. As flippant as it might seem, no one attempted to judge her, mostly out of fear, but also because a lot of them were doing practically the same thing. As for Jade, well as far as she was concerned, if you knew what you wanted and you were hot enough to get it, why wait then? After the reveal of the nature of Dean's Variant Magic, he had moved to quickly surpass even Michael as the most feared Hunter. After all, so far as anyone knew, his Magic was basically a oneshot instant kill move that no one had any freaking idea how to block or counter. The wide berth had not really mattered to the Hunter anyway. He had expected it after all, just as much as he was used to it. Fortunately for him, it just meant he did not have to deal with the stupidity of human adolescence, which left him free to fully indulge himself in his new found pleasurable pastime: art. Olivia had sought to integrate herself into the normal stream like most of the other participants of the program. Her almost perpetual optimistic demeanor had served to greatly diminish the aversion aimed her way and had made a sort of diplomatic ambassador to the rest of the Hunters. She interacted steadily with the mages and to a somewhat reduced extent, the vampires as well. The natural barrier between the two races still remained, despite the best efforts of the Vampire Princess. With Michael as the most respected Hunter, Jade being the hottest, Dean the most feared, and Olivia the most likable, that left Lee Shen as an absolute mystery. Practically nothing was known about the white haired Oriental Hunter whose pseudo-perpetual smirk had proven to be a most effective disguise to his true emotions. His Magic remained unknown as was his true power and desires. He sure as hell was not shy, easily being in fact one of the most social individuals in the entire school. The Asian young man had made connections with pretty much every major group and clique in the academy, mundane or supernatural. Just as his mysterious nature deterred some, it attracted others as well. After all, you can hardly fear what you don't know. And as for the alpha of the pack, the past month had been full of adjustments and recollections. With the confirmed knowledge that the participants of the program were being targeted, Michael had taken it upon himself to try and decrease the distance between his pack and the other supernaturals. He was well aware of how reticent they could be in his presence. His show of cutting through a literal mountain had the slightly unwanted effect of increasing the apprehension the others possessed towards him and his team. His packmates however had found their own ways to overcome this issue, and in time, so had he. His training with Whitney had been a one time thing, sadly so since Michael had seen so much potential in her. However, the platinum blonde girl had definitely made it clear that she wanted to achieve her limits her way and Michael had no plans to disrespect her wishes. Mia on the other hand couldn't be any less the opposite. Somehow between her mundane studies and her magic lessons with Whitney and Elena, she had managed to squeeze out some time every three days to meet up with Michael. Unlike her peers, she harbored near zero conservations regarding interacting with the Hunters. After witnessing displays of their Variant abilities, she had continued to seek Michael out to further teach her about her own abilities. Veronica Von Reize however, still remained as uncompromising as ever. There was a better chance of the sun freezing over than there was of her asking Michael for help training. The ambush she and her bodyguards had experienced over a month ago had sparked something in her though. It had reminded her of just why she had tried so persistently to escape her father's shadow. Veronica was not stupid. She knew that she still had ways to go before she could utilize her own power fully. Luckily for her, Aiden and Caen were both far older than they looked despite their roguishly handsome looks. Night after night, she pushed herself farther than the day before, growing stronger and faster with each session.Related Chapters
The Hunters Volume Two: War The First Kill
The smartphone on Michael's desk vibrated softly, drawing his attention from where Vincent was explaining the intricacies of the human mind to the students sitting in the amphitheater-like classroom. Picking it up, he glanced at it and was greeted by an exasperated emoji courtesy of Lee. Of course he's bored. The restrictions Michael had placed on him specifically did not really allow for much freedom of anything. 'You really need to get a handle on that one. As powerful as his ability is, his personality is quite the loose cannon.' You're telling me, Michael sighed mentally. Lee's requirements are something that's been bothering me for a very long time now. But as dangerous as they are, I still can't afford to take him off the team. You know better than anyone how powerful his ability can be. The voice in his head scoffed. 'Of course I do. It was my power after all.' Michael glanced back over his shoulder to look at his teammate who was currently slumped forward on his
The Hunters Volume Two: War Test
"Ignis Pila!" "Centum Tormenti!" "Flamma Serpentis!" "Ventus Compressio!" "Inferno Advocans!" Following each order shouted, a massive burst of energy accompanied by an elemental invocation ravaged the trees of Starlight Forest. Flaming snakes crashed into blades of wind, further boosting the potency of the spells to the point of vaporizing entire swaths of the surrounding woods. In the middle of the chaos, a slightly exhausted brunette leaned on her knees as she sought to regain her breath. Around her stood two women, one platinum blonde and dark skinned, while the other had beautiful straight coal black hair and a fair complexion. "Remarkable," Elena muttered as she surveyed the destruction around them in some awe. "All those high level spells yet she's barely winded." Whitney on the other hand merely eyed the area with a modicum of disinterest. "That still isn't enough. You and I could do the same with half the effort in half the time." Elena simply rolled her eye
The Hunters Volume Two: War Stranger Danger
His eyes narrowed at the figure only a few meters away from him. Within two seconds, his highly observant mind had committed another facet of the figure's appearance to memory. Below, his hand maintained a light yet firm grip on the brush as it swiped across the palette on his other hand before transferring the memorized details onto the canvas before him. With each stroke of his brush, Dean Hanson brought into existence his innermost thoughts that swam within his heart day after day, using the figure sitting a few feet away from him as a focus point to center his painting. Perched on a high seat with her legs crossed, Lisa Brown looked exceptionally radiant in her form fitting cream turtleneck and jeans combo. Her brown hair was hung over one shoulder as she remained near motionless staring out the east side window. The rest of the studio was empty and thus void of any distracting sounds. As Dean worked through his painting, he found himself lingering a bit longer than usual
The Hunters Volume Two: War Strike Two
The Hunters had shown up on invitation by Antonio himself, along with Mia, Elena and Whitney. The latter had needed to be dragged to the event by Elena whose intention had been to make things with Mia who had yet to speak with them since the day they had revealed the truth to her in the forest clearing. Along with them was Lisa whose presence had been more of a demand by Dean than a social call. After they had arrived and exchanged pleasantries with the young hostess and her father, Dean had wasted no time in dragging the rest of his pack along with Lisa, to the outer balcony that overlooked the rest of the city. None of the kids had been allowed past the primary corridors that separated the penthouse's main building from the outer balcony to avoid any accidents. There, Dean proceeded to recount the encounter he had experienced earlier in the day, up until the moment he had mysteriously blacked out. "Wait a minute," Lee cut in, his voice unusually serious for once. "You said she
The Hunters Volume Two: War Chapter Six: A Lesson on Magic.
The moment Mia Delgado woke up, she already knew that today was going to be different. The feeling was there, at the back of her mind, small and almost nonexistent yet incessant in its refusal to depart. It niggled her persistently though not to the point of being uncomfortable. Even as she brushed her hair back in front of the oval mirror in her room, she couldn't help but feel like she was forgetting something. As if there was something that was trying to reach out to her from within her mind. "Ugh," she muttered to herself as she placed down her brush on the wooden dresser. She stared at her reflection in the mirror, as if it would give her an answer, an explanation for this unusual feeling. "What is wrong with me?" "Come on Mia," Elena called from the other side of the bedroom door. "We have to get going soon. It's Monday and and you're not going to want to skip out on today's class." "Today's class?" Mia's brows furrowed in confusion as she pulled out her phone to check he
The Hunters Volume Two: War Chapter Seven: The Difference Between You and I
The tracking spell led both girls across the school grounds, through the academy stadium where a crew of maintenance workers were getting the field and stands up to stuff in preparation for the first game of the season. Whenever they seemed to get a fix on the Hunter's location, he would start moving, leading them to continue the increasingly annoying search. Every call they made to his cell went straight to voicemail. "This is so frustrating!" Veronica growled as she reached up to pick out a fallen leaf out of her hair. "Can't you just use your magic to pinpoint his exact location?" "You think I haven't tried that already?" Mia retorted and raised her palm with her middle and ring fingers curled inwards. An intricate pink magic circle appeared around her hand and her eyes narrowed in concentration at the slowly rotating symbols. A few seconds later, the glyph suddenly flashed with a dull gray light before fading away. Mia groaned at the spell's failure. "His Erasure ability is
The Hunters Volume Two: War Chapter Eight: Challenge
Veronica's voice snapped Mia back to reality. "Do you know any binding spells?" "What?" "I have a plan," the vampire said, her red eyes never once leaving the Hunter. "But it requires my target to remain motionless. Can you ensure that?" For some unknown reason, Mia's mind flashed with the memory of her first test back at the Arcane Circle. Specifically the moment the Elder was applying that seal on her. She didn't know how but Mia suddenly felt confident in her ability to not only replicate the seal, but alter it to suit her current needs. "Yeah," she said with a confident smile. "I've got something like that." To her surprise, the vampire princess smiled back at her. "Good. Time to end this." Lee's cocky smirk never left his face as he watched as the vampire released a short shout and expelled a crimson aura from her body. 'So she's finally ready to get serious, hmm?' Lee mused. 'I can actually feel her aura all the way here. Looks like the royal bloodline hasn't lo
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"Why did you wait so long to tell me about this?" "It didn't seem that important at first!" "'Didn't seem important?' How did that not seem important?" "Clearly you don't know as much about vampires as you think you do. Because if you did, you would know that it is impossible, even for a Royal Blood like me to completely shepherd such a large number of vampires! We are creatures of the night and its desires! We don't play by the rules of your day world!" "Well apparently neither does this mysterious killer and guess who's winning in the score sheet now?!" After a long talk where the three of them had explained–Mia had explained, while Veronica had just stood there glaring at Lee who never stopped smirking mockingly in return–the reason for their impromptu battle, Veronica had finally revealed her reason for seeking out the leader of the Hunters. A week ago, one of the vampires had left to feed but had failed to return the following day. According to his roommate, he never
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Chapter Ninety Nine: It Begins...
Rosaline stared at the ground in front of her where a raised mound of earth was all that remained of one of her longest friends. The pain and grief in her heart was far greater than the ones still wracking her body even as she stood in the pouring rain. Unlike other mounds around her, this one did not have a cross atop it, nor did it have a headstone. Rosaline had felt it would definitely not be fitting to put up a cross on Aria's grave considering how the girl had died. And as for a headstone, she had considered it at first, but that idea had eventually been discarded. After all, even if she were to make one, what would she write on it? Aria was the last of her family to die and as far as Rosaline knew, the girl did not have any other relations outside the Order of The New World. Even within the organisation, the only people she had really gotten along with had been Rosaline herself and Ezra. The latter had been in a strange love-hate relationship with Aria, something that Rosali
Chapter Ninety Eight: Vacuum of Despair
Chapter Ninety Eight: A Coming Storm Mia could not stop staring at the girl lying oh so innocently on that white hospital bed like she had not just tried to suck away all of Mia's powers like some kind of energy leech. The memory of that terrifying experience was still very fresh and raw in her mind, leaving her very uneasy about getting any closer than six feet to the girl's bed. She just kept pacing back and forth, imagining just what could have done this to the girl before her. But Rin was in no mood for such indecision. "Hey Mia," the ex assassin snapped the mage out of her thoughts sharply. "What the hell just happened right now?" "I... I don't really know..." She answered, her voice less shaky that it had been a few seconds ago but still just as uncertain. "I mean I thought I had recognized her from somewhere but when we first got here, I wasn't able to get a reading so I just thought I had been imagining things... But this..." "Ok you better start making sense or I'm
Chapter Ninety Seven: Looking Deeper
"As you know by now, all of the Hunters possess a specific Variant ability in addition to the powers we already have by virtue of our werewolf nature," Olivia explained. "Michael has his Erasure, Dean has Absolute Death Inducement, Jade has Space and Time Manipulation and Lee had his own particular brand of Blood Magic. As for me, well the closest thing we've been able to find as a suitable name for my ability was the Eternal Soul." "The Eternal Soul?" Mia repeated in surprise. "And if that name was to be believed literally," Rin leveled the girl with a flat look. "Then it means you are essentially immortal?" "That is correct." "But Shin said that he had both gravely injured you and hit you with an unavoidable attack that was meant to inflict death upon any target it hit regardless of—" "Ah ah, that's where you're wrong," Olivia cut in with a knowing grin. "Immortality does not always equal to invulnerability. You can cut me, stab me, shoot me and I'll still bleed just li
Chapter Ninety Six: Backlash
As the morning sun rose above the sky of Starlight Central Academy, the shrill sound of the wind whistling through the rows of ornamental trees planted all over the school was nearly drowned out by the loud singing from the large open field that was situated just off the north of the school. The pitch was mostly devoid of regular students leaving only members of the two most well known extra curricular clubs in the entire academy: the football team and the cheerleading squad. Both were having their practices on the same field, which was fortunately large enough to easily accommodate the two groups without either having to worry about bothering the other. As the cheer squad went through the complex choreography of their routine, a lone figure sitting on the middle row in the bleachers watched them with unconcealed interest. A few of the girls on the squad had noticed the individual's staring and had begun to whisper among themselves. Eventually one of them seemed to have had enoug
Chapter Ninety Five: The Unseen Shadow
Sometimes Loretta wondered if this power she had been born with was a blessing or a curse. The Celestial Eyes had always been something she had taken extreme pride in. With those Eyes, there was practically nothing that was hidden to her. She could see all the truths of the world, the inner workings of the human mind, even the most concealed secrets of most people she came across every day. But for the first time in her life, Loretta felt completely blind and lost on what to do as she stood on the paved walkway along the avenue that led out of the residential part of the campus. There was a slight chill in the air, something that was not uncommon this early in August since that was when fall started bleeding into winter. But though Loretta had worn a comfy looking long sleeved blue parka jacket and was even going as far as to keep cycling her magic through her body at all times, it did not alleviate the cold that was boring into her soul. At least unlike the last time she had
Chapter Ninety Four: Duty
A single flap of his wings had him closing the distance between them immediately, his swords coming up for a double diagonal slash from both sides. Ezra reacted accordingly by blocking both attacks with a brand new pair of blood axes that formed instantaneously from the swirling magic around him. Vincent raised an eyebrow at the appearance of a second arm in the vampire's body, formed from solidified energy to replace the the Exorcist had severed earlier tonight. But even then, the strength of a Celestial being was not something that could be matched by simple Blood Magic. The axes shattered after a few seconds of bearing the weight of the Exorcist's power and Vincent attacked again. Having fully expected this, Ezra did not make any attempt to dodge since doing so would put him in a far more unfavorable position than he already was. Rather he stepped forward and raised his arm, the one that was made of energy and intercepted the stab. The sword pierced right through the arm but t
Chapter Ninety Three: A Dead Man's Sacrifice
Vincent dove down sharply in the direction of Rosaline, having deemed her as the biggest threat among all three at the moment. Technically neither of them were a threat in actuality but the Exorcist still felt it it would be better to be safe that sorry later. The Arcane mage dodged out of the way of the dive-bombing angel/human but was immediately forced on the defence by the Exorcist's constant barrage of attacks. Whenever she tried to make space between them to cast one of her more powerful incantations, the man would always choose to close the distance between them with one flap of his wings. The first couple of strikes she had defended against with her stave had already gotten her seriously concerned since she had felt her own weapon crack ominously. A follow up diagonal slash directed her left arm away, leaving her open for another attack which came in the form of a powerful kick that Rosaline was barely able to block using the stave. The force of the blow snapped the st
Chapter Ninety Two: A Futile Struggle
The first time Ariana Carmine had ever seen an Exorcist had been when she was twelve. At that age, she had just barely matured enough to understand that the world was not as black and white as the teachers at her school had made it out to be. There had been duties, obligations and responsibilities that had been the cause of many arguments in her home back then. Every day she came home from school, she would almost never failed to find one new letter joining the stack on the table by the door. Whenever that was the case, her mom and dad would enter a shouting match that was often so bad that she would always flee into the safety of their attic to escape the noises. Eventually her parents found a way to somehow settle some of their outstanding bills. Right from a young age Ariana had always known that her mom and dad were... special in a way most other kids' parents were not. She had liked it back then, liked how she would come back from visiting a friend's house sometimes and get
Chapter Ninety One: Absolute Power
"Is it over?" Ezra asked as he rotated his left arm in a slow circle. "Did that last attack get him?" "I doubt it," Rosaline said, the irises of her eyes gaining an electric blue glow as she pushed arcane energy into them to boost her eyesight. "I saw him just before that last strike hit. His expression was way too relaxed for someone facing the possibility of instant death. He probably had a way to survive that thing." Ezra looked back at the large cloud of smoke and dust that drifted upwards slowly. The vampire chuckled in disbelief. "Well damn. If he really does survive that, then he is one tough son of a bitch." Beside the dark skinned mage, Aria tightened her hold on her daggers impulsively. "... We have to... We need to kill him..." "Someone sounds like they have a personal grudge," Ezra said with a smirk full of mischief. "Care to share with the rest of the class?" Aria turned to glare furiously at him. "It's none of your business—" "Actually it is," Rosaline cut