The Hunter and the Hunted

Consolacion Village territory, Mt. Elberus

He heard a dog's growl from a distance in front of him. A jolt of gooseflesh crawled up his spine and he boosted from the ground. He stood while he aimed his weapon in front. His rifle kissed his cheeks and his eyes focused on his rifle sights and towards the vastness of the clearing where the sound loomed.

“Come out! Whatever you are, I will fight you!” Rick screamed. They were not humans, he assumed.

A silhouette of a man and beside him was a large dog about 100-meters away from Mark emerged from the blanket of darkness. The moon shyly illuminated the area. He heard the man laughed devilishly while his dog was growling.

‘Fuck, it's them! It's Raegor. How the hell did he find me? Calm yourself. Think! Think!’ Mark could not think clearly. He forced the thought and still battling with the possibility that these beings possessed inhuman capabilities.

The dog started

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