Chapter 281 - Political

Drison's - [P.O.V]

Drison was still thinking about what he was going to do and how he was going to solve this when he heard a sickeningly sweet voice said call him,

"Drison!" There was much enthusiasm in the voice but it did not move Drison at all. Instead it made him want to curse!

Drison turned to face Ella. He didn't try to conceal the displeasure on his face.

Drison on his part was secretly gloating. The only thing that he was lacking now was a bowl of popcorn to go along with watching a good show!

He really wanted to see how Drison would deal with Ella.

"Drison! I really didn't think that I would run into you here!" Midsee said. She looked as if she was beyond happy.

Anyway, she was just putting on a show. She wasn't dense. She could see the look that Drison was giving her. And Drison was with him too.

Who knew what bad things Drison had said to Drison about her?

Ever since their discussion did not go well that day, she no longer had any expectations from this person. She just ha
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