Chapter 286 - Lordships Stone

Drison's - [P.O.V]

But... Still-there was no way she could accept her son getting married like this!

And to an actress at that!

"How did Drison end up getting married all of a sudden?" Kate asked.

She would never believe what the media said.

That the both of them were in love and have been seeing each other for quite some time in secret. She would be a complete idioit if she ever believed that story.

"Didn't you read the news? It's all written there. Drison and Cora are a couple. Isn't it only normal for them to get married?" Daniel lied without bating an eyelid.

Kate cursed a hundred times under her breath.

"Do you really think that I'm going to believe this story?!" She yelled.

"You can believe whatever you want. It doesn't have anything to do with me " Daniel said.

Even though he really wanted to know what happened to Kate that made her change her mind about him and suddenly want a divorce, even disappearing for a good ten years, that did not mean that be was going to let her do
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