Chapter 297 - Cold stone

Drisons - [P.O.V]

He was really specheless.

He did not know what was going on but he felt that there was something up with his mother.

He never said that she should have stayed with his father if she wasn't happy.

But she could have come back to see her son from time to time right?

She just left as if she didn't care about any one of them at all. His father. Or himself.

But he could not continue to question her like this when she was still crying like this right?

He has to admit, this tactic of her crying had worked on him well. He could not continue to watch her cry.

"Mom, that isn't what I mean. I don't want you to stay in an unhappy marriage because of me. If you are no longer happy then you should leave" Drison said.

But you should not have cut me out from your life like I didn't exist at all. You pretended that you did not have a son all of these years.

However, he did not say those things out. He held them in his heart.

"Drison... I have a lot of things that I want to say to
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