Chapter 313 - Blow Chances

Ella's - [P.O.V]

You need to stop right now.

While you still can or else things are just going to get even messed up!" Ethan said. He was going to do everything to stop Midsee while he still can now.

Ella let out an eerie laugh when she heard that.

"Don't try to make it sound so grand dad! You know very well why you are doing that! Stop trying to act like you care about me! You don't! It's because of your daughter!" Midsee yelled. She wasn't going to fall for those lies of his.

He was only doing it for his daughter.

Ethan really did not know what else to say to Ella. He could only hope that she could see that she was wrong.

Ella wanted to walk away but she stopped herself. She looked her father straight in her eyes.

"Dad, I'm not going to play mind games with you anymore. I saw the report of my mom's death. She died of heart complications. She was taking drugs that were harmful to her heart. I don't have to be too smart to know that someone probably changed her health supplements drug
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