Chapter 124

"What do you mean?" Victor questioned.

"Last time, our family was supposed to have a project with the Sharp family, but Alex, in his jealousy towards Ethan, asked the Sharp family to cancel it,” Rosemary's voice dripped with venom.

"Thank God, Ethan managed to get us a new project with the Gavin family. This will be truly awesome, don’t you think so?"

"But I heard the Gavin family only does business with their own family," Victor asked, concerned.

The Gavin family was the biggest business family before the federation was taken over by the Empire. Everyone having business with Gavin Group would be filled with pride.

"Grandfather," Ethan attempted to respond, "Gavin was the leading business in the Drakonia Federation, and now we are aiming for expansion.”

Lily's father hastily called out, "Ethan, it's not correct to still use the Drakonia Federation name. It is already the West Empire; don’t make yourself be called a traitor."

"No worries, Alex is not in the military anymore, he cannot
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