Chapter 169

Count Cross hurriedly called for his six guards, his voice dripping with fury, “This commoner, I want him dead right here, right now!”

Immediately, Count Cross's bodyguards rushed into the banquet hall, their eyes locked on Alex. But Alex moved faster than any of them.

With a swift and precise blow, he struck the first guard on the jaw, sending him crashing to the ground, knocked out cold with a single hit.

One after another, Alex dispatched the remaining guards, his movements fluid and controlled.

Despite facing six trained men, not one of them managed to land a hit on him. To everyone’s shock, Alex knocked them out with a single blow each.

“Stop! Stop it!” Lady Ashworth screamed, her voice laced with panic. “You little scumbag, stop hitting Count Cross's people!”

Alex turned to her, his eyes narrowing. “What? Are you saying I should let them hit me?” His words were sharp, dripping with sarcasm. “Is your brain functioning properly?”

“I am your Baroness! Watch how you speak!” Lady Ash
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