Chapter 190

Alex suddenly found himself back in the amphitheater.

The old master had guided him through the Akashic Records, revealing knowledge that seemed endless for a hundred days of intense training.

Yet, when he glanced at the clock, only ten minutes had passed in the real world.

The old master opened his eyes, slowly surveying the gathered students.

"Is there anyone who reached the Akashic Record realm?" he asked, his voice echoing.

Maladin raised his hand. "I reached the realm, sir, where there's a vast library full of books."

The old man nodded approvingly. "Yes, you are correct."

The students broke into applause as Maladin stood, showing off his arrogant face.

Maladin then turned his attention to the rest of the group. "In this batch, Alexander Kingsley was said to be the smartest of his time, but it seems like he is nothing."

Alex looked at the old man and used telepathy—a soul-to-soul communication that allowed them to exchange thoughts rapidly.

“Did he arrive at the Akashic Record pl
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